Salvaged driver project

Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
We have been doing a massive sweep at work and taking a massive amount of stuff to recycle. We had a pile of subwoofers, all with bad amps. Most of them were nothing special but I salvaged a couple drivers from a Klipsch RSW-10d. I have the driver and the passive radiator. They sure are impressive looking. ;) I did not save the box because it is a unique design that would have been difficult to retrofit a standard plate amp into and it was pretty beat up.

I did note that the box was constructed of 1" MDF so I can figure out the internal volume pretty closely by going off the external dimensions listed online. Should I just build a box of the same dimensions and pair it with an amp? I can't find any T/S parameters for the driver and I didn't really expect to. What would you do with it? I would like to upgrade from the Polk PSW-10 I'm using on my PC system right now and if nothing else the copper colored drivers look awesome. :)

Kipsch Subwoofer Driver - a set on Flickr

I'm playing with my new NEX-5t camera as well.


Audioholic Warlord
Well, the best way to do it would be to get a Dayton DATS system and grab T/S parameters off of the driver and PR and then to have someone model it for you. You could build a box of similar volume, but don't forget to take into account the volume of the bracing and the plate amp, as well as the driver.


Audioholic Slumlord
That is a nice looking set of drivers.

I always wonder if the manufacturer might have added some eq'ing into the amp design.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I'm pretty sure there is some EQ going on in the original amp. It has a DSP complete with an LCD control panel and a menu system for all the settings. The DATS from Parts Express is interesting. I may end up getting that at some point. For now I may just build a box and mess with tuning it by adding filler blocks or something.


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm pretty sure there is some EQ going on in the original amp. It has a DSP complete with an LCD control panel and a menu system for all the settings. The DATS from Parts Express is interesting. I may end up getting that at some point. For now I may just build a box and mess with tuning it by adding filler blocks or something.
I thought Bash amps from O-Audio had a couple or 3 parametric eq settings you could adjust on your own. That's like a guess at a vague memory but I'm also guessing that you might know better than me on this.


Audioholic Slumlord
Some say something in regard to small vs large signal testing could yeild different results (review from [h=3]IslandHydro[/h] )
Manual, but probably more accurate method:
Measuring Loudspeaker Driver Parameters
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