I need a USB to serial adapter. This is the one I'm looking at: Amazon.com: Keyspan by Tripp Lite USA-19HS Hi-Speed USB Serial Adapter, PC, MAC, supports Cisco Break Sequence: Electronics I read some reviews on Amazon. I also saw this: Staples USB-to-Serial Adapter | Staples® The negative review and the product details both talked about 64 bit machines which I have. Mine is Vista. It's this one: Asus X83VM-X1 Review - Laptops - CNET Reviews I suppose if I just used my XP desktop with a regular RS232 cable that was close to 15' in length like this one: 15ft White RS232 Extension Cable with DB-9 Male-to-Female Connectors: Amazon.com: Industrial & Scientific I could do that ... but then there's no portability ... but then again this is likely to be a one time use thing.