Yes sir, more or less you are correct.
The TV only has an optical out.
I originally wanted to find a way to use my logitech Z-5300 THX set up but it lacks a wireless remote.
So I bought the Denon mostly for the remote feature.
So now I will run the optical out from the TV to the optical audio in of the Denon.
Basically I am intending running a 2.1 system.
I was commenting upon the idea that I guess I had to buy a powered sub now.
But someone said it may be possible to still use the logitech sub and perhaps satellite speakers as well.
So as I pondered how I might do that, I thought of using the sub out of the denon into the logitech.
But that gets into, how do you set the wired remote to get it out of the equation and let the Denon handle that.
Also the logitech sub has three mini-jack inputs, a front, a rear, and a center/sub.
So not sure how to use those with the denon.
Dear OP:
This is what I know so far
Your existing equipment:
a) Samsung PN42B400P3D TV
b) Denon 1705 AVR
c) some Charter Cable box ( please post photos from of it's back) - [so No OTA - aka TV Antenna broadcasts..]
d) some Logitech multimedia sound system
and you want to connect everything together? Am I reading this right so far?