Ok, so I added an Outlaw Model 7125 to my setup, and am looking to replace the AVR.
Of course I have two options, AVR as preamp or dedicated preamp. With a budget around $1500, the only "preamp" there is a 7701 Marantz, which I have heard good things about. Unless I get a refurb Onkyo 5509...
Then there is the fact it does not have XT32, so that brings in the AVR's:
Denon X4000 (have heard these can run kinda hot)
Onkyo 1010
Yamaha 1030 (YPAO of course)
Anthem MRX 510 (ARC)
SQ/DAC's are of course important, but room correction has value was well. One train of thought it the preamp version will offer better SQ and less heat, but then others do not buy into that. I guess for example one could ask if you used a SR7007 as a preamp, then the 7701, would you actually hear a difference or could you even test a difference? I dont want to buy a preamp just because, one other appealing item to an AVR is if you lose the separate amp, you still have one internally.
Thanks for any input.
Also, video processing and all of that is of no concern. I always turn that off anyways. I have an Oppo 103D that handles everything.
My first idea is to just get the X4000. Comes with XT32 and Sub EQ, and the Denon SQ is good in my experience. I could always wait and see what the Denon 2014 4000 series brings from CES.