Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



I beg your pardon. I never promised you a rose garden.
Along with the sunshine, you know there's gotta be a little rain sometimes.
you promised Brian would love me :(

Lately?!? :D

Btw, Steph, if you're going to post on Bryce's account, you're going to need to misspell more words to fool us. :p
oh gosh Adam we havnt spoken in so Long, myself and Steph are no longer a couple


Audioholic Jedi
the girl and I both have colds ... and Chinese plus a ton of desserts
Sorry, man, but I totally forgot to wish you two to get better soon yesterday. :eek: I think that I was distracted by, and jealous of, the food. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
Sorry, man, but I totally forgot to wish you two to get better soon yesterday. :eek: I think that I was distracted by, and jealous of, the food. :D
She's doing okay. I'm laid out. I'm going to need you to wish harder.


Audioholic Jedi
Me thinks it's time for a shower, followed by pizza for lunch. And perhaps my first viewing of Star Trek Into Darkness. I got it on blu-ray last week.


Audioholic Slumlord
No, but she has more than one...her's and his.;)
Somebody has my nose again? That hasn't happened since I was a kid.

Let me know when the stalker finally gets banned. I'm going for nap two ... unless someone is giving an iPhone away.


Audioholic Jedi
No shower, yet, but that's next. I just got the package all ready to go for my brother and paid for shipping. UPS is bringing me some stuff from Amazon tomorrow, so the driver should just pick this up when he/she comes around.


Audioholic Samurai
The snow was wet and heavy that day my friends. Instead of lifting and throwing, I opted for a side to side pushing motion to clear the drive. The drive was angry. She did not want to be shoveled. The cracks were showing their teeth but I pushed on vowing to tame the great beast of a driveway. Half way through, the drive reared her ugly, large fangs. The shovel stopped. My body did not. Snow shovel handle to the plums. "Down goes Frazier!, Down goes Frazier!" Is what I heard in my ringing ears. My lungs left breathless from the sharp blow to my gentle men's region, I could only lay there like a slug. It was my only defense against the terrible pain.

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