For the past few years, I've done all my stereo listening in our 2-story family room, with a Yamaha RX-797 (stereo receiver) and a pair of Vienna Acoustics Bachs. I was pretty happy with the sound, but the listening setup is all wrong. There's an 18-foot ceiling, and no way to get a decent setup between the speakers and my listening position.
So tonight, I moved the Bachs downstairs to the home theater room, and listened to some CDs with my SC-05 AVR in "Pure Direct" mode, in a more "reference" listening position (and with 9 foot ceilings). To my surprise, they sounded a lot worse! I'm going to move the RX-797 down tomorrow to do some A/B testing.
Has anyone had a similar experience? This kind of confirms my suspicion that AVRs are big and pretty and full of cool technology, but maybe not so great for music.