I am experiencing a strange problem. When my cable box or TIVO is tuned to a channel showing live TV, on some of the channels the audio is out of sync slightly with the video. Strangely enough, the audio is a split second ahead of the video, so you see that the mouth movements of the speaker lag behind the audio. I have the following rig:
Emotiva UMC-200 Preamp
Emotiva UPA -500 Amp
TIVO Roamio Plus
Time Warner - Samsung DVR
Sharp Aquos 52" HDTV
The problem only seems to appear on channels broadcasting a "live" signal (ESPN, local newcasts,) On prerecorded content, everything seems fine. Also, not every "live" channel always exhibits this behavior, although ESPN always does. As expected, the cable techs say it is a problem with my preamp, which makes no sense to me, but I'm open to changing my mind if someone can explain to me what is happening.
Any suggestions? Thanks very much for your help!