Upcoming Audioholics Reviews!



Junior Audioholic
First I have to say thanks for a great site. I've learned more in the few weeks I've been reading here than most of my "audio-head" friends know, or think they know. I love all the reviews, but I would also like to see more from what most here would consider "low end". Infinity Primus speakers, the new Pioneer vsx-1016,HSU stf-2 (I have my eye on one of those!) I'd love to see "head to head" type tests of audio equipment that would be considered for a sound system in the $1000-$2000 range. Keep up the good work!


I would like to see a professional review of the Sony VPL-VW50 SXRD Projector and the JVC RS-1 HD-ILA Projector. I think these are going to be the hottest 2 projectors for this year, and a head to head comparison would be awesome.


We are currently reviewing a Marantz Universal DVD player and Clint is getting one of their receivers soon. So far they look very promising.

As for Paradigm, kinda wierd, they seem more interested in sending product samples to hobby sites, publications that write cursory reviews or online websites whose marketing PR reps both them and the publications.
Hi, I am new here, been reading the forum checking out the site for quite a while now.

Are you saying you don't think the Paradigm speakers are very good, I am building my first "real" system and am very seriously considering the Paradigm SA-35 (or Monitor 7) can't decide there is the wife acceptance factor,CC-390,ADP-390 and Ultracube 12.

I have a friend that got a lesser Paradigm system, sounds really good, I am going to demo the set up first, but have all but commited to buying them, what do you think?


Audioholic Ninja
June bookshelf shoutout

I heard mention of a high end bookshelf shootout including RBH and Ascend in one of the theads. Consider adding the Onix Ref 1's to the list.
Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
Coming soon - Emotiva Audio RPA-1 and RSP-1, Ascend Sierra-1, RBH TK-5CT, Ready Acoustics Chameleon Panels


Full Audioholic
I'd love to see a review of Mirage's OMD-28 Tower speakers.


Junior Audioholic
Some of the brands you mention like Definitive Technology shy away from reviews online, especially by us since we measure products and tend to be more critical than others. Polk seems to place more emphasis on reviews in print and/or CNET though we haven't actively pursued them for reviews as of yet. We have found too many other appealing products to go after first.

As for Paradigm, Mark Aling (their Marketing Manager) flat out denied us any product reviews and we have a whole thread about this. We noticed a pattern with that company in that they seem to only submit products for review in the magazines they advertise in. Kinda strange since we operate opposite in that we don't accept advertising from companies until we can verify they make legitimately good products.

See: Status Updates on Paradigm Reviews
Well that takes Paradigm completely out of my decision on a new HT setup.. I've purchased camera equipment (my main hobby) after reading rave reviews about it online, and only finding out AFTER I received it that the review (on a very reputable site) was biased... The author was a salesman for the company on the side. Of course, he made no mention of this in the article. I decided then that I wouldn't support websites that were paid to review products.. Some folks are just pathetic.

Back to the topic at hand. First, thanks for a great site.. I'm relying alot on your "what to buy" articles in picking out my first HT system.

I would suggest reviews of "mid level" equipment. That gear which is a step above what you find in CC, BB, and soforth, since that is what alot of people look at who are just getting into the scene. I could be (and probably am) dead wrong, so just let me know if that's the case :D


I've seen in the past where you guys have reviewed Infinity
speakers. Any way you guys can take a crack at the Beta
lineup ? The BETA 50 tower and the C360 center and the dipole
/bipole surround ? I would love to see a more impartial review
on these than the major mags.


How about a review for the Onkyo 805. Certainly the talk of the AVR world right now.


Yes, Yes! Please I will be upgrading my receiver soon, and these two (Onkyo 805, 875) are on my short list! Tell us if the HQV video processor is worth the extra money.


Full Audioholic
Any chance you guys will be reviewing the new Hsu MBM-12? Looks like an interesting concept.
I second that request. I'd love to see a professional review to see just how much "bang-for-the-buck" an MBM-12 would get you.

For example would a 1K $ HSU VTF-3 HO Turbo + MBM-12 stand up well to other 1500$ subs? Would the performance difference be worth it? How would other subs do when paried with a mid-bass module?
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Full Audioholic
What subs are in the queue to be reviewed? I'm at the point of looking around for a new sub and I'd love to see some professional reviews of subs at roughly 1500$ or lower.

NOTE: I tried to edit my prior post but the edit button wasn't active ... ???


Audioholic Ninja
I was wondering if you guys had any information on Audio Engine USA's speakers. I just recently heard a review of the A2's and it was absolutely glowing especially with how small these speakers are.

What subs are in the queue to be reviewed? I'm at the point of looking around for a new sub and I'd love to see some professional reviews of subs at roughly 1500$ or lower.

NOTE: I tried to edit my prior post but the edit button wasn't active ... ???
Alamar, I would check out the kits on PartsExpress for subs made by Dayton. After a certain time frame the edit button goes away so you can't change your posts after X amount of certain time.


Audioholic Jedi
What about the Denon 4308ci?

I just saw the Denon 4308ci at my local HT store. It is HUGE. It looks great. Is it also under review?

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