

Audioholic General
I thought that this was actually a well made horror movie. The special effects were outstanding, (the sword guy was a real monster!) and the gory scenes although few, were indeed gory. There is a scene that takes place on a church's steps that is right up there with the most disturbing images ever imo.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that this is the perfect movie but I'd give it a 7.5. From screaming burning dancing babies to a creepy as hell feet barbwired to the back of his head crawling thing, the evil entities in this movie are above average for sure. I'd reccomend a viewing for sure to any horror fans. I did find it dragged on at points though.


I agree it was a good horror movie. But I was a little disappointed. I loved the video game and expected more of the creatures/zombies. The video game was freakin' scary.

For those who've played the game it's worth seeing.


Audioholic Ninja
Takeereasy said:
I thought that this was actually a well made horror movie. The special effects were outstanding, (the sword guy was a real monster!) and the gory scenes although few, were indeed gory. There is a scene that takes place on a church's steps that is right up there with the most disturbing images ever imo.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that this is the perfect movie but I'd give it a 7.5. From screaming burning dancing babies to a creepy as hell feet barbwired to the back of his head crawling thing, the evil entities in this movie are above average for sure. I'd reccomend a viewing for sure to any horror fans. I did find it dragged on at points though.
It sounds good enough that we ought to give it a look-see. Do either of you gents favor From Dusk To Dawn? How would it rate in and A/B test, lol?


Audioholic Jedi
Most reviews I heard of this flick was that you're better off playing the game... Based on what Takeereasy said though, I may check it out.


rjbudz said:
It sounds good enough that we ought to give it a look-see. Do either of you gents favor From Dusk To Dawn? How would it rate in and A/B test, lol?
"From Dusk Till Dawn" had an all star cast and scores quite high on the T&A scale. Salma Hayek gave me a new appreciation for snakes :D

Silent Hill was good but I still think the video game was scarier. I will say I liked it more than the last video game turned to movie, Resident Evil.
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Audioholic General
I'm not a big fan of dusk till dawn, to me it always seemed like a B movie trying to be more and failing despite having an A movies budget. I never really played the Silent hill video game, but I will say that this is the first movie based on a game I am not upset I paid to see.

There is something about this movie I find really creepy, and rj, there is at least one totally horrific scene that bothered me for a bit (in a gross way). That plus the fact that the sound effects, and sound in general are very well done make this one a "should see", not quite a must see. Like I said the movie drags on in some spots but the special effects are very creepy. This movie has one real Bad A$$ villian, and once you find out why he exists there is a disturbing aspect to the movie that wasn't there before. I'll stick with the 7.5 rating. One thing though this movie isn't like a Friday the 13th or Nightmare on elmstreet where someone dies every 6 min. There are some periods where you've got to wait for a bit. This movie is as much suspense as horror.


Audioholic Jedi
I liked DtoD. Campy, goofy and cartoonish, over-the-top gore, with some T&A, though it was more of a horror satire than a horror movie to me, even if that was unintentional. Reminded me of Toxic Avenger kind of stuff almost. Very much like Creepshow (1 & 2) also.


Audioholic Ninja
j_garcia said:
I liked DtoD. Campy, goofy and cartoonish, over-the-top gore, with some T&A, though it was more of a horror satire than a horror movie to me, even if that was unintentional. Reminded me of Toxic Avenger kind of stuff almost. Very much like Creepshow (1 & 2) also.
I agree, John. It was totally tongue in cheek horror.

I guess I gave a bad example to A/B with OP. Plenty of gore in DtoD, tho'. :eek:

I haven't played the game, so I have no idea what it's about. I think I'll just go try out the movie and see if I get to be a skeeredy-kat. ;) (By the way, the last movie that really scared me...1978...Alien. I went into the first run theater thinking it was just a sci-fi flick. It was WAY ahead of its time. It scared the carp outta me so well I had to keep my Pepsi on the floor and take frequent sips, thereby having to look away from the screen without seeming a wimp, lol. Also the bedroom scene in House On Haunted Hill (or was it the Haunting?)...where the two women try to keep the unknown evil thing out of the room....oooooooooohhhh. :eek:


Audioholic General
First movie that scared me was Aliens RJ, I still love that movie, have 3 different DVD versions, lol. (only 2 still play)


Audioholic Intern
I would have to say that this movie was decent. The sword guy was hardcore, as well as the last church scene. I felt like they just missed the mark, it was good but it could have been better with a little more character development.


Audioholic Jedi
Yep, Alien and Jaws - 2 movies that scared me as a young one too. My mom loves horror movies.

The Haunting is the one where the "thing" is pounding on the doors. REALLY scary with my 15" sub :D


Audioholic Ninja
j_garcia said:
Yep, Alien and Jaws - 2 movies that scared me as a young one too. My mom loves horror movies.

The Haunting is the one where the "thing" is pounding on the doors. REALLY scary with my 15" sub :D
Yep, that's the one, John. I gotta get that in DD DVD.
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
As a rabid fan of the game this has to be the most unwelcome film I've seen all year. It actually follows the game to a degree for the 1st 45 minutes, but then spins-off on some bizarre witch-hunting thing before ending as a cheap Hellraiser knock-off.

*Why hasn't the cop aged in 32 years?
*Why did Sharron even come to Silent Hill? The movies seems to forget its own plot by the end.
*Lets put some grey facepaint on a 25 year old.... Viola! a 65 year old woman!

Visually the film does so much right (The ash, the fog, the 'dark world'), and the musc is spot-on too, but then its got some really bad CGI, and the nonsensical story (The game wasn't Shakespear but it made sense). Pointless gore, and a really stupid villain (I'm evil!, I wear a blue dress!, I somehow inspire fear even if an 8' tall guy with a pyramid for a head does a much better job!).

Lotta good subwoofer tho' .... maybe too much......

In summary: a disappointing thumbs down. If I had never played the game it would still be just another creepy movie that falls apart in the last 30 minutes.
Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
Yes the plot has a bunch of holes and the end and the beginning seem to be from two different movies but I still enjoyed it. When you get the atmosphere of a horror movie right, you've done a lot. Marginal thumbs up.


Audioholic Intern
Rock&Roll Ninja said:
*Why hasn't the cop aged in 32 years?
*Why did Sharron even come to Silent Hill? The movies seems to forget its own plot by the end.
*Lets put some grey facepaint on a 25 year old.... Viola! a 65 year old woman!
You sound like my girlfriend, sometimes you have to just let it go! LOL..... I always say when you are watching a movie like Silent Hill, are you honestly expecting Oscar calibar performances with regards to acting, screen play, and plot? "It is what it is", and frankly it's an entertaining so-so movie. :D
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
mech said:
..... when you are watching a movie like Silent Hill, are you honestly expecting Oscar calibar performances with regards to acting, screen play, and plot?
The Exorcist. A horror film can still be an across-the-board great film. Theres no reason every film has to be a brainless gore-fest. Thats why theres Final destination. Three movies with the exact same plot... just find 7 ways to kill people in extremely gruesome ways.

Silent Hill already had a particular style, background, and built-in fan base. I don't mind so much that a bad movie was made (House Of The Dead desensitized me to those), but that one of my favorite pieces of fiction was turned into such a really bad movie.

Now I know how Lovecraft fans feel..... and parents who find their children acting in porn. :(


Senior Audioholic
I read some reviews before buying it and was awaiting the impending disappointment.

All across the boards..."I didnt get it", what where they saying?

Are you kidding me? The message was pretty darn clear to me.

The game? nope, never played it.

The movie...enjoyed it, enjoyed laughing at my wife watching through her fingers for half the flick, liked the transitions, liked the message.

Liked the ending too, pretty cool IMO.

Now, it was no I spit on your grave, but....;)


Audioholic Warlord
I liked this movie. I never played the game, but for a horror movie, it was very well done. Good gore too!



Audioholic Samurai
I finally watched this last weekend.
Never played the game.
As a movie, lots of holes in the plot, not much in character development, but I still enjoyed it.
I though it had very effective use of the surround channels.

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