Rebuilding Soundfield V Speakers



Senior Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>I have a pair of old DBX Soundfield V speakers (the three way ones with the five drivers - 15 inch woofer). &nbsp;The cabinet in particle board that is starting to go. &nbsp;I have since replace them with Sapphire SB (80Hz - 20kHz) which are themselves driven by Yamaha YST 315 subs 20Hz - 160Hz), with the crossover set at 100Hz.

Now what do I do with the old Soundfield's?

Question 1 - If I rebuild them with MDF, should I keep the existing crossover or use something lowcost from RANE, Alto, or Behringer and get seperate amps? &nbsp;This would be a lot of amps - at least three per speaker and maybe four.

Question 2 - Should I keep the drivers - or since I am into a total rebuild, replace them too?

Question 3 - Is there an inherent problem with the way I'm using the Sapphires and Yamaha's?</font>


Senior Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>P.S. Everything is powered by a Yamaha RX-V1400 A/V receiver. &nbsp;My center channel is a Mirage Omni, and my surrounds and presence speakers are Yamaha NS-10MMT.

Esentially I would like to rebuild because them I can 12 speakers all powered by the Yamaha.</font>


Audioholic General
<font color='#0000FF'>Mudcat,

I would hate to tell you this, the dbx Sounfeild V sold by DAK are no way close to the great speakers from dbx, instead they are cheaply consructed speakers made in China using really low quality drivers, the poly mid, treated paper cone woofers and the ribbon tweeters along with its upper mounted mid ambience mid and tweeter made them look quite impressive to anyone, but if you take a look at the back you will see real cheap binding staples and the inside is an equal horror story. In an HT system these speakers dont make any sense as they would cancel out all the surround effects due to their multi way reflective design, one of the reasons you can never use the booze 901 for surround work.

You have a really nice receiver in the RXV-1400 so do it justice by looking for matched speaker set from either Yamaha or Axiom or Paradigm. Go to BB and give the Yamaha NS-555/777 an audition as well as the Axioms.</font>


Senior Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>At the present time, I am not using them, I am using the Sapphire's and Yamaha Subs as my mains. &nbsp;I take it though that from your reply, I should just unload them on eBay and open up a couple of square yards of floor space.
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Audioholic General
<font color='#0000FF'>Good idea, whatever you make from them, use it elsewhere.</font>

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