How do I setup....?



How do I set up my DVD, VCR & Playstation that I can get them all to work at the same time? Splitter?
Any Help would be greatly appreciated


Audioholic General
need more info

when you say run the three items, do you mean the video on the TV or the audio for the sound system ?

if it's for the sound system, and if you have a receiver, you should have enough inputs (even if you have to plug the game in as a Tape 2 or as an auxiliary) to be able to use the receiver to pick which one you are using.

if it's for the video, that may be more complicated. most home theater receivers made in the past six or seven years allow you to run the video signal into it, then run a single patch line for all the videos from the receiver to the TV set. if your receiver has "upconvert" (as bad as that hurts me to say it for those who have read some of my other posts) or even video input feeds, you can probably plug them all into the receiver as well. then you set your TV to the "video" or "video1" channel, and let the receiver carry the signal. look in your instruction book (ohh that one hurt to say too) for your receiver to see if it will work with video.

if none of those work, either find a splitter or throw away the game and the VCR and tell your wife you need more DVD's. :D


I'm not sure on what you're willing to spend ((from the looks of this forum, the people here spend more than I ever would on a DVD player, lol... $1000+ eek... I'm a $300 or sub person myself))...

There's a switch box I like... though it's $60-$100 depending on where you shop... and I would think a lot of the people here woudn't touch it.... but it works for me. lol...

Company = Pelican
Address =
Product = System Selector Pro
Directions... head to the site, skip the intro, then select the "Universal" link... should be on the main page of "Universal".

It also comes in Black or Silver colors...

I should note that before I found this switcher, I tried splitters like crazy.... and it was annoying... I couldn't have the DVD player and GameCube hooked up on the same audio channel via splitters... the DVD was fine, but the gamecube's audio was so quiet you couldn't hear it with the TV turned all the way up!... also, the X-Box liked to take over the video cables when I tried splitters on the video side of things... ended up having 3 switch boxes for certain things... lol.

Here's a "Best Buy" link... though their price was higher than a local GameStop store:

With this I've been able to run my DVD, X-Box, PS2, GameCube, Sat-Dish, Cable and have everything on at the same time... although you'll have to switch between them of course. This is the only selector that I've bought that allowed all of this... other boxes would either cause problems (one shorted out my TV!!) or the signals just weren't allowed through.

It's also got the largest selection of inputs I've ever seen on a switch box and allows up to 8 systems to be hooked up... and it works great.

Now... if they'd only come out with one that had a remote for switching the box... and HDMI support.. I'd be set.

Hope that helps in some way.

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