Amp and Speaker question



I recently purchased a Marantz PM5004 amp for a new stereo for my home. I am thinking about purchasing Epos ELS8 speakers. I will be using the system to listen to jazz on vinyl for the most part. I'm concerned that the ELS8's speaker sensitivity might be too low (85). Not planning on having it in a very big room, just a normal living room. Any ideas if the speaker sensitivity will be too low for my amp? Or, are reviews on these speakers.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Audioholic Ninja
It depends on how loud you want to play your music. Assuming everything is as rated, your amplifier will be able to drive one speaker to just over 100dB at 1 meter. Further away, it will be a bit softer (how much will depend on room acoustics). With two speakers, it will be a bit louder. And that is continuous power from your amplifier, not peaks.

So, if you listen at moderate levels, you should be fine. But you will not be able to recreate the loudest Who concert at actual volume.

If you want to calculate for your specific distance, this will give you an approximation:

Peak SPL Calculator

Keep in mind, if you plug in continuous power, you will be finding volumes you could sustain continuously.


Audioholic Jedi
Marantz amps tend to be pretty stout on the PM models, so I'd be inclined to think it will be OK. Based on the rated output for the 5004 though, and these speakers are also listed as 6 Ohms, I'd say you might be pushing it if you expect higher listening levels. For average levels, I think it will be be sufficient. 85dB sensitivity is somewhat low, but not so low that I'd worry about them much with most amps. I like EPOS, but have you heard these speakers yet?


I haven't heard the speakers, but I have been using the EPOS ELS3 speakers in my office. I like those, but I want something a little bigger.
Thanks for the info.


Audioholic Jedi
So you are probably good to go then. ELS-3 is a solid speaker and should give you a good idea of the 8 IMO. I have not heard the 8. What Hifi (British) gave the 8 a lackluster review however, saying it was a plain sounding, and they are usually pretty stoked on Epos:

Epos ELS 8 review from the experts at

Are you getting them for a good price? Have you looked at the newer ones like the Epic 2?


The price for the ELS 8's is about $325. Just started looking at the Epic 2's, and they look great. Having trouble finding used ones. On a budget.

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