Is safe to buy good brand of speakers in ebay?



Audioholic Intern
Hello Everybody
Is Safe to buy good brand of speakers in ebay?
Safe:I am talking about to avoid Scams like "White Van Scams" or speakers "Clones" or Changes of speakers cones. etc ,etc:eek:
Thanks in advance:)


Senior Audioholic
i would say yes its safe to buy speakers off of ebay.

just google the brand name and model if you are not familiar with them, also pay very close attention to the sellers feedback. if they dont have much or are not close to 100% positive.. then you might browes through their feed back ratings and read why they are not getting positve from their buyers.

if they have good feedback and they have decent pics and good descriptions then go for it. also look at this site specializes in higher end audio equipment.


Audioholic Ninja
Yes. You buy my speakers. You buy them now!



Audioholic Samurai
I would never say its 100% safe to buy from any online auction.

I recently got screwed on Audiogon and had to go through a month long debacle just to get 70% of my money back.


Senior Audioholic
true, but if the person has proven feedback id say you are pretty safe.. plus ebay screws the seller over the buyer


Audioholic Ninja
Just make sure you back up your purchase with a credit card, so you have someone on your side.


Audioholic Slumlord
I've been screwed three times ... but back to the topic at hand. :eek: :D

No, seriously ... each time was for a small dollar amount ... now back to the topic at hand. :D

Alright, I'll be serious. Actually I was being serious. I don't trust anything short of local pick ups. Once I figured out what people were willing to do to rip me off for $5-$20 dollars, I wasn't gonna be sending anybody hundreds and thousands. Used speakers? Hmmm ... not a chance. :(


Audioholic Samurai
Just make sure you back up your purchase with a credit card, so you have someone on your side.
Is pay pal a safe bet also if one does not want to extend credit card info to E-Bay ?
Just wondering about this.


Audioholic Samurai
true, but if the person has proven feedback id say you are pretty safe.. plus ebay screws the seller over the buyer
Nope...doesn't matter one bit.

Still a total crap shoot as the guy that screwed me over had 0 bad/neutral reviews and 35-40 positives. After going through the whole mediation process on Audiogon he actually ended up getting banned and I had to sick the cozzers on him just to get the bit back that I actually did. Luckily it wasn't a large dollar amount.


Senior Audioholic
ive had pretty good luck. though I have never bought large speakers. I have however bought 70 pound amps with out any troubles..

I guess I've been lucky. but true for big speakers I'd lean towards local pickup.


Audioholic Samurai
Was it because of paypal that you got back 70 % which is prolly better than a complete loss . was because the guy eventually folded and gave me some money when I threatened to get the cozzers (law enforcement) involved.

To my understanding there wasn't anything paypal could do.


Audioholic Slumlord was because the guy eventually folded and gave me some money when I threatened to get the cozzers (law enforcement) involved.

To my understanding there wasn't anything paypal could do.
So to put this in perspective would you be willing to guess how much time you wasted on this and how much money you re-couped?


Audioholic Overlord
I got scammed on ebay once, and it took 6 months to get my money back, but paypal got it back for me. I've sold and bought numerous things on ebay with no issue. Use your gut and common sense.;)


Audioholic Samurai
So to put this in perspective would you be willing to guess how much time you wasted on this and how much money you re-couped?
Well in short proboscis I would say 30 emails, and a rebuttal process. Probably one whole day.

And for the cash I got shorted all in all $50. Could have been a lot worse.

I got scammed on ebay once, and it took 6 months to get my money back, but paypal got it back for me. I've sold and bought numerous things on ebay with no issue. Use your gut and common sense.;)
I too have done a LOT of online transactions...heck I've even bought stuff from you. :) What I'm saying is that no matter how smart you are and how many times you cover your bases there is always a chance to get the shaft(and I'm not referring to the profanity ridden black man).


Audioholic Ninja
Of course, one important consideration is the chances of getting the shaft through other types of sales as well... particularly for those who don't live and breathe AV gear.


Senior Audioholic
I dont know much about the AV123 post but it seems as though some people have gotten shafted from there as well..

I think I have had good luck because I try to communicate with the sellers of big ticket items.. if they dont respond to help sell it then they will be horible afterwards...


Audioholic Chief
I've bought just about all of my recent speakers (HT and stereo) through ebay with no problem. I also do a fair amount of business through there myself.



I have made many ebay purchases (home theater stuff, automotive stuff, basic house stuff, a vacation, etc.). I have been screwed a couple of times because the product wasnt as described but I have gotten reimbursed 100% of the money 100% of the times. I only use paypal and I only buy items that have a paypal coverage guarentee specifically noted for the items. It usually takes about 4 weeks for paypal to reimburse the money after trying to mediate (using eBay and Paypal procedures) the issue and help the buyer and seller resolve the matter on there own. Normally the bad sellers are crooks and dont even attempt to resolve the issue and Paypal will see that as there way of ignoring them and the problem. You basically sit back and wait while Paypal trys to get the seller to respond to you. If he doesnt in a certain timeframe they reimburse you the money and I dont know how they deal with him from there out. I do know ever problem I had was for "not as described, false description resolution" issues. And as I just said they didnt respond to anybody so I got to keep the crap and got my money back. I guess the crook wasnt to concerned about his junk (I say junk but it was a used, supposed to be brand new factory sealed Dell computer w/ TV tuner card) he sent me. Apperantly he didnt want it back because I sure as hell wasnt going to pay out of my pocket to ship it back and I never heard back from him since. I works ok for a garage computer/TV though.


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