How much musical content IS there below 35hz



Audioholic Warlord
Mark, I'm talking about a physical shoe, but a particular brand, and model. There is a rap song, complete with video, for a reebok shoe.



Audioholic Overlord
Mark, I'm talking about a physical shoe, but a particular brand, and model. There is a rap song, complete with video, for a reebok shoe.

Are you talkin' bout my aeer force ones?


Seriously, I have no life.
Wow thanks allsop. Looks like 35hz isn't the bottom of acoustic based instrument music. So when a sub manufacturer says 36hz is that a hard floor, is there a gradual rolloff below it, or is it maybe wishful thinking in the first place?
Yes, there is a roll off below the stated response. But, you also have to remember the human ear is not very sensitive to low frequency sound, so, at 36Hz volume you need much more at 30 Hz, even more at 25Hz and so forth to hear it. So, you will just not hear the output from that sub.
Also, as was stated above, there are some rare pianos that go below that 28Hz and the organ is not on that chart.


Senior Audioholic
Bassman2 don't you own the VX-10? I own one as well and my in-room response is about 26 Hz at -10 db. There is roll off to a point, the sub hits a wall at 26 Hz and does not output anything lower than that.


Bassman2 don't you own the VX-10? I own one as well and my in-room response is about 26 Hz at -10 db. There is roll off to a point, the sub hits a wall at 26 Hz and does not output anything lower than that.
Yes I do. That's why I was asking about 35/36hz. My Primus 360's go down to exactly the same 36hz too (didn't realize that when I bought the VX-10) So I've been thinking about how low each one really goes and then what exactly is down there anyway.

I can hear a difference between the two but there's a lot of overlap, the Primus' really do a good job at bass extension. If the VX is going down to 26hz then the Infinity's have got to be damn close to that 36hz rating of theirs.


Gee i'm a novice when it come to Hz and all but isnt 26 Hz pretty Low?
I have the VX-10 and I was watching "Monster House" the other night, and the sub shook the whole house! and my room is like 12 x 25! That DVD is a nice demo for the sub!;)


Audioholic General
As for rap.....A lot of it (most) doesn't seem to have much in the way of melody and harmony, two fairly important components of music I would think, so no, I don't think that really qualifies as "music" in the strictest sense.
Well, it's probably the case that the majority of music made over the course of human history has been percussion based. I listen to African and Japanese drumming/percussion music, and melody/harmony is used very sparingly, probably less than rap, but it's certainly music.

Yes, the vast majority of rap is crap, but the same is true of most popular music of any kind. The third-generation quasi-punk and dance-floor pop that currently dominates, or the hair-metal and dance-floor pop of the eighties, or the saccharine pop ballads and disco of the seventies...God, it's ALL awful.

Anyway, this is an interesting topic - I'm glad to see all the great info. If you're not interested in pipe organs or electronic music (or home theater dinosaur footsteps and tank taps), you can save a lot of money on subwoofers!


Full Audioholic
Well if somebody comes out with a new rock song that is decent I might still be a rock fan but apparently the majority of people don't appreciate good music so popular, talented musicians are non-existent in todays era of rock music. Of course I still listen to classic rock and many other forms of music but in as far as modern music is concerned I am definitely not a fan of rock music.

I find that there are many more talented rap artists out there but it takes an open mind and a lot of listening to find it. Just remember, most of what is popular is crap which is likely the majority of what you hear if you don't actively go out of your way to listen to rap and talk to other's that listen to it. For me it's easier to find rap music that I enjoy than any other type of music unless I go back a few generations to another era of music.

Oh and by the way before anyone disregards this post because I'm just another dumb kid that listens to rap music and will amount to nothing in society, I just got a 95% on my Calculus II exam.:D Just messin' around...I know most people around here aren't that stereotypical, but I had to brag.:)


Audioholic Warlord
Well if somebody comes out with a new rock song that is decent I might still be a rock fan but apparently the majority of people don't appreciate good music so popular, talented musicians are non-existent in todays era of rock music. Of course I still listen to classic rock and many other forms of music but in as far as modern music is concerned I am definitely not a fan of rock music.

I find that there are many more talented rap artists out there but it takes an open mind and a lot of listening to find it. Just remember, most of what is popular is crap which is likely the majority of what you hear if you don't actively go out of your way to listen to rap and talk to other's that listen to it. For me it's easier to find rap music that I enjoy than any other type of music unless I go back a few generations to another era of music.

Oh and by the way before anyone disregards this post because I'm just another dumb kid that listens to rap music and will amount to nothing in society, I just got a 95% on my Calculus II exam.:D Just messin' around...I know most people around here aren't that stereotypical, but I had to brag.:)
What modern rock music were you listening to? If you like rock, but hate the MAINSTREAM stuff (which is probably what you were referring to) I can send you some tracks of better, modern rock.

no. 5

no. 5

Audioholic Field Marshall
Gee i'm a novice when it come to Hz and all but isnt 26 Hz pretty Low?
Yes it is; it's quite close to the infrasonic range (and, depending on a persons hearing range, may be infrasonic). :cool:
Well if somebody comes out with a new rock song that is decent I might still be a rock fan but apparently the majority of people don't appreciate good music....
and almost nobody appreciates good recording. :mad:


Seriously, I have no life.
Gee i'm a novice when it come to Hz and all but isnt 26 Hz pretty Low?
I have the VX-10 and I was watching "Monster House" the other night, and the sub shook the whole house! and my room is like 12 x 25! That DVD is a nice demo for the sub!;)
Yes, it is.:D But not as low as 16Hz. :D


Full Audioholic
What modern rock music were you listening to? If you like rock, but hate the MAINSTREAM stuff (which is probably what you were referring to) I can send you some tracks of better, modern rock.

I would appreciate that. All I really hear is the mainstream rock because nobody I know listens to modern rock that I can get advice from. I have a really broad range of music that I'll listen to but it cannot include: whining/crying about life(ie: Nickelback, Linkin Park, etc.), scratchy whiny voices(nickelback again), whining about relationships and/or singing what sounds to be exactly what was done on a day in the life of a farmer(a lot of country music), screaming into the mic while playing Drop-D tuned power chords(heavy metal). Anything else is fair game...I play guitar so I always like to hear talented guitarists with a musical style(not just 'how many notes can I play in a second'), but I also appreciate and recognize good singers, bass players, drummers and any other instrument you want to throw in that sounds good in rock music.

If you can recommend or send some tracks it will be appreciated.


Audioholic Warlord
I would appreciate that. All I really hear is the mainstream rock because nobody I know listens to modern rock that I can get advice from. I have a really broad range of music that I'll listen to but it cannot include: whining/crying about life(ie: Nickelback, Linkin Park, etc.), scratchy whiny voices(nickelback again), whining about relationships and/or singing what sounds to be exactly what was done on a day in the life of a farmer(a lot of country music), screaming into the mic while playing Drop-D tuned power chords(heavy metal). Anything else is fair game...I play guitar so I always like to hear talented guitarists with a musical style(not just 'how many notes can I play in a second'), but I also appreciate and recognize good singers, bass players, drummers and any other instrument you want to throw in that sounds good in rock music.

If you can recommend or send some tracks it will be appreciated.

I'll throw some names up. You can hear them on Myspace or "preview" them in another way. If you have MSN, I can send them to go over that as well.

Every Time I Die - These guys are southern rock. They do have some drop D stuff (also a guitar player) but it isn't speed death metal. It's very tastefully done.

Atreyu - This band has a Screamer and a Singer. Their third album is pretty good, the best quality by far, and they have some catchy tunes. Some call them emo, but I don't think they are.

Poison The Well - Another band that I REALLY like. They have a new CD coming out April 3rd (4th CD). They have a very unique sound, and the new CD is pretty good. If you want to hear some of their good stuff, listen to "You come Before You", their last CD.

Fall Of Troy - This is a VERY guitar heavy band, but the guitar itself is light, and nimble. All guitar players can appreciate this band. I highly recommend a listen.

Thrice - Their older stuff had a fair bit of guitar in it, but the new CD "Vheissu" is post hardcore.

That should get you started for now. I put up all the myspace links.



Full Audioholic
Thanks Sheep, I'll give some of those a listen.

If Nickelback's lead singer is whiny, what is Dashboard confessionals lead singer?? :eek: (or any emo for that matter)
I've never heard of Dashboard Confessionals so I have no idea what I would classify them as. In fact I don't even know what emo means.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
I've often wondered about this question? It appears the answer is, not much! I would go as far to say, even for dvd movies most won't go below 25hz. I guess I'm nuts to make this statement, but subs are overrated;).
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Audioholic General
For most music there isn't much below about 40Hz. Unles you're talking synths and other electronic sources, or organs there aren't many instruments that can get that low.

My current bookshelves can get down to around 40Hz or a little lower but down the road when I've got the money and more space I'll go for a full range system but for the most part music doesn't have much down there. I have another system with a sub I can listen to music on, and except for a few styles of music there's just nothing much missed on a system that can't go much lower than 40Hz. Most of the music I listen to including jazz, classic and modern alternative rock (generally not the mainstream stuff and also better recorded most of the time) doesn't benefit from <40hz reproduction.

For movies, or music that does contain that lower frequency information a sub is a great way to add strengthen the lower end and I consider it essential for a complete home theater. For music listening I wouldn't say it's such an issue most of the time.


Seriously, I have no life.
I've often wondered about this question? It appears the answer is, not much! I would go as far to say, even for dvd movies most won't go below 25hz. I guess I'm nuts to make this statement, but subs are overrated;).
I don't know about that. The 1812 overture has real cannons with 5Hz signals:D Part of the music;)
There are pianos that go very low, mentioned someplace I think.

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