You ever just not want to sell something, even if you don't need it?



Audioholic Field Marshall
With the Parasound 2250 being delivered today, I've been writing up the ad for selling the HCA-1200II. But as I type, it dawns on me- I don't want to sell it!

It's such a beautiful, clean sounding amp that I like owning it, even if it doesn't see any use after this weekend. The newer NC has auto-standby which is a big deal for me, plus signal ground lift in case I have loop issues again down the road. So it will be the go-to amp, maybe until someday when I can afford a Halo A21.

I'm really struggling with this all of a sudden. Usually I have no problem letting things go, but in just two weeks this amp has hugely grown on me. It almost feels like I'm re-homing one of my dogs. I'm not sure what to do now! :oops:


Audioholic Jedi
all the time lol. That's why I have 2 full front stages and 2 more pairs of mains o_O


With the Parasound 2250 being delivered today, I've been writing up the ad for selling the HCA-1200II. But as I type, it dawns on me- I don't want to sell it!

It's such a beautiful, clean sounding amp that I like owning it, even if it doesn't see any use after this weekend. The newer NC has auto-standby which is a big deal for me, plus signal ground lift in case I have loop issues again down the road. So it will be the go-to amp, maybe until someday when I can afford a Halo A21.

I'm really struggling with this all of a sudden. Usually I have no problem letting things go, but in just two weeks this amp has hugely grown on me. It almost feels like I'm re-homing one of my dogs. I'm not sure what to do now! :oops:
The last two times that happened to me and I did sell them, I ended up needing them 6 months later and kicked myself for letting them go. You never get what audio equipment is worth when you sell it. I made a promise I would keep stuff for at least a year before selling because you just never know...


Audioholic Warlord
With the Parasound 2250 being delivered today, I've been writing up the ad for selling the HCA-1200II. But as I type, it dawns on me- I don't want to sell it!

It's such a beautiful, clean sounding amp that I like owning it, even if it doesn't see any use after this weekend. The newer NC has auto-standby which is a big deal for me, plus signal ground lift in case I have loop issues again down the road. So it will be the go-to amp, maybe until someday when I can afford a Halo A21.

I'm really struggling with this all of a sudden. Usually I have no problem letting things go, but in just two weeks this amp has hugely grown on me. It almost feels like I'm re-homing one of my dogs. I'm not sure what to do now! :oops:
I get it!

I mentioned in a previous post that I have a Parasound 1206. I didn't mention that mine has been modified with a 12V trigger. It will ONLY kick on with the 12V trigger, which is not an issue to me. I just mention that b/c it seems like the auto-on/off is a feature you like on the NC line.

I do have gear that is or has been tough to part with, even if I don't use it much any more. But, in the end, I usually get to a point where it is time for it to move along to someone that will appreciate it, and use it daily. Then, that gives me funds to dump back into various hobbies for gear that I will again appreciate and use.


Audioholic Ninja
Yes all the time. I’m a pack rat but my GF does force me to get rid of large items now and then. LOL :)


Senior Audioholic
Same here. Felt guilty getting rid of a Adcom amp I didn’t have use for.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I remember how I felt about my Revel F30's. Those were true beauties (and sounded so pure)... if they had dual 10's I would have never replaced em. But when I got the T&A's that fateful November day, it only took a few minutes into one song to know the Revel's weren't staying

Perhaps I will feel the same way after spending a little quality time with the 2250. I don't expect any great change with the sound and I will never ever use all that power (it's all about the headroom though).


Senior Audioholic
I remember how I felt about my Revel F30's. Those were true beauties (and sounded so pure)... if they had dual 10's I would have never replaced em. But when I got the T&A's that fateful November day, it only took a few minutes into one song to know the Revel's weren't staying

Perhaps I will feel the same way after spending a little quality time with the 2250. I don't expect any great change with the sound and I will never ever use all that power (it's all about the headroom though).
T&A ? Now you have my attention. Lol


Audioholic Field Marshall
Yeah yeah, it's really "T+A" but wheres the fun in that?? :p


Audioholic Spartan
Yep I currently have a nice 32 LED TV boxed up in storage while I watch a 49 and 39 in my apt. Who knows I might need it when I get a bigger place.:)


Audioholic Overlord
Yep I currently have a nice 32 LED TV boxed up in storage while I watch a 49 and 39 in my apt. Who knows I might need it when I get a bigger place.:)
A small TV can be handy for navigating the setup menus if you set up a "music only" system using an AVR.


Audioholic Jedi
I don't like selling stuff in general, prefer to keep audio gear and simply put it to use.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Gotta admit it makes for a sweet photograph if nothing else.


Damn OCD... I couldn't see that smudge until the flash hit it. Now I can't unsee it. :mad: Time to find the Windex...


Audioholic General
Nice amps. I used to own the HCA-1200 MK II. Then I got the 2200 MK II. I sold the 1100 and kept the 2200. Then I sold that. :) I had Acurus, Aragon, Parasound, B&K and Classe.


With the Parasound 2250 being delivered today, I've been writing up the ad for selling the HCA-1200II. But as I type, it dawns on me- I don't want to sell it!

It's such a beautiful, clean sounding amp that I like owning it, even if it doesn't see any use after this weekend. The newer NC has auto-standby which is a big deal for me, plus signal ground lift in case I have loop issues again down the road. So it will be the go-to amp, maybe until someday when I can afford a Halo A21.

I'm really struggling with this all of a sudden. Usually I have no problem letting things go, but in just two weeks this amp has hugely grown on me. It almost feels like I'm re-homing one of my dogs. I'm not sure what to do now! :oops:
Let’s see, My Hafler SE-100 preamp, two xl-280 amps, the sun won’t come up if their gone. My JBl L46, because white aquaplas makes me happy...

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