It's a three year program? What kind of dough does an RT(R) make fresh out of school? I remember someone telling me a couple years ago that it was a really good gig and ever since then I thought that maybe if I got sick of my current career that that'd be something I'd think about.
Usually it is a two year AS Degree. I spent a year at one school getting all the pre reqs done and then I did not get into their program because of 3 lousy points. I Applied to another school and got in a few months later. Had I went to this school to begin with, it would have been only two full years. If you are going to do it though, it is much easier to get AP 1 and 2 out of the way as well as any math, english, physc, ect. The rad classes can be quite a load all on their own.
Depending on what state you live in a fresh out of school rad tech can make 40k and up to start. Once you know CT you can make more. If you go into MRI, or Ultrasound, nuke med, PT scan, you can make even more. If you go into specials you can make 100k in a good year. My friend in Chicago does cardiac cath stuff and he pulls in 100k give or take. There are a lot of options open once you get started.
I am taking a pay cut compared to when I was in IT, but I will have a lot more options now.