I need some serious help - I made the mistake of making an impulse purchase of a HTiB (samsung system) when I bought my new DLP TV. Problem is that sound quality wasn't great, and I wound up with a few additional components that I wasn't expecting that simply could not connect to the HTiB.
I'm here trying to learn the basics and have read tons of great threads regarding speaker selections, crossover points, etc....and I'm beginning to understand more and more - issue is that I want a great system, and I'm not afraid to spend what it takes to make that system within reason - probably no greater than about $3000 for speakers alone, $5000 overall (w/receiver and DVD). I just don't feel like I have the expertise and I'm not exactly sure which commision-earning salesman to listen to. I've listened to a bunch of speakers and know what characteristics I like - just not sure if getting ripped off at retail.
Here are my specs and initial thoughts for your comments - Room is about 26' x 26' -square area overall...end unit townhouse main level, main room....carpeted throughout. Will be used as mostly a HT system, but I will listen more and more to music when I get better speakers - mostly classical, instrumental, and classic rock -
Have decided on getting the Yamaha RXV2500 as opposed to Denon 3503 - similar capability - I like the YPAO, on-screen setup, and brighter more distinct highs from Yamaha. I myself am a classical pianist so preciseness of sound is a big plus in my book.
As far as components - this is where it gets a little strange - of course I'm planning on purchasing the DVD player - probably either yamaha S2500 or comparable Denon - want to utilize my HDMI cable to go from DVD to TV (even if Receiver doesn't have HDMI capability). Other current components include HDTV Box, XM Myfi, Playstation II, and potentially, if possible, computer....too many Mp3s to count - Can upgrade sound card, but want to be able to play music directly from computer. Another question I've got deals with use of an amp and when that would be appropriate, especially with the components I've just described.
As for speakers, I'm strongly considering Axioms - MTi80s, QS8, VP150, and potentially EP500 (not sure I have room for the EP600 even though it looks powerful). I've read about the return policy as well - nice option if needbe. Another big factor - NO WIFE = NO WAF
Like many on here, I'm a major bass fan - would there be a better Sub that I should consider for this system? Local stores all push Velodynes but I've read mixed reviews here. Also, do I need an Amp with this type of setup? Living in a townhouse community, I won't be playing it terribly loud, but I still want to feel those explosions etc.
I hope to learn more and more as I continue to read and one day be able to answer newbie questions such as my own. By the way, I was able to sell the HTiB and recoup about 70% of my cost so I guess I'm pretty lucky - don't want to make same mistake twice!!! Thanks for you input.