Looking for a bit of advise.
I have tried to connect a Consonance Opera Hybrid 150 Stereo Amp to my RXV 3000 using the Pre Out Mains connected to the Consonance Amp. Main speakers connected to Consonance Amp. The purpose is to utilise the quality of the stereo amp for both stereo reproduction and 5.1 surround listening.
The problem I have is that there is very little output from the RXV 3000 Pre Out Mains to be effective. Also the Pre Out mains are controlled by volume, bass and treble controls etc from the RXV 3000.
This connection is giving a very, very poor result.
Is there any other method of connection that I am Missing?
Can the rec out be used? Or Zone 2 be used?
Also I have a DVDA player connected via 6 Channel out to the RXV 3000. I have taken the Main outputs only to the Consonance Amp. This turned out to very effective with a fantastic result and very esy to balance the surround sound.
I also have a CD player connected directly to the Consonance Amp. Also an excellent result.
I would like to get the last problem resolved. Utilizing the quality of the main speakers and stereo Amplifier in a 5.1 mode - the RVX 3000 reproducing the centre, L/R, R/R and sub.
Main Speakers (Osborn Epitome) (Ausie Made)
Any Suggestions ????
Thanks Gus