Yamaha RX-V757 or Denon AVR-2805?!



Junior Audioholic
I was considering the Yamaha RX-V757 because the Yamaha DSP-AX757SE received such a high review in WHAT HI*FI? SOUND AND VISION - and I believe it's the American version of the same receiver.........am I right or wrong about this?

But the problem is, whatever receiver I decide upon I wanted to get the same brand DVD player.

Is this good thinking or unnecessary?

The problem is that I have read poor reviews on Yamaha's lower priced DVD players.

Therefore, I am now considering the Denon AVR-2805 because BOTH the receiver AND most of their DVD players earn very high marks. Like the Yamaha it is a 7.1 receiver with 100 watts per channel.

It's a little older than the Yamaha, and the Yamaha apparently bumped it out of first place, but I imagine it's just as good.....

Your thoughts please!


Junior Audioholic
I don't know much about that particular Yamaha receiver. They do make good products, although I prefer their RXV series. The Denon has gotten great reviews, as do most of their products. It is not a big deal to have seperate components from different manufacturers. The only "real" advantage to that would be to control both units from the same remote. I would look at the specs closely and read reviews. See what other people think. If you like the Yammy receiver, but the Denon DVD player... then that is what you should get. Should not cause any problems or cause any degradation in overall quality of your system.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
I looked at both those recievers and decided on the 2805, mainly because I got a better deal on it. I didn't audition the RX-V757 in home, but in the store they sounded similar. I think both are decent units and you'll most likely be happy with either. The 2805 model has been discontinued and replaced with the 2807. If I recall the 757 replaced the 750 model last year. Again, I think you'll be happy with either. Go with what you get a better deal on.


Audioholic Ninja
You don't need to have the same brand of receiver and DVD player, and the Yamaha receiver you mention has a learning remote, so it can control any DVD player. (I would guess that that Denon may also have a learning remote, but you will need to check for yourself on that.)

For which low priced Yamaha DVD players have you seen bad reviews? I have the Yamaha DVD-C750, and I love it. You can read a review at:


It plays both SACDs and DVD-Audio discs, and it converts between PAL and NTSC, and is easy to make region free:


It will play just about any disc you can find, from anywhere in the world, and does it well.


Audioholic General
The Yamaha RX-V757 is identical to the 750, which is what I have, except for the presence of XM Radio in the newer 757. I can say without hesitation, that I absolutely love my 750. Bear in mind, I have a small room (~300 square feet) and not too many components to hook up. So for me, the 750 was and still is perfect for me. The sound of both movies and music is stellar. Sure, there are times when I read about the RX-V2600 or something, and get a pang of jealousy, but the truth is I don't regret the purchase of my 750 one bit.

And everyone else is right: you don't need to have the same brand for both receiver and DVD player.

Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
Both the Yamaha RX-V757 and the Denon 2805 have learning remotes. Currently my only Denon product is my reciever. I use it with a Pioneer dvd player, a Yamaha tape deck, a RCA tv, and a JVC vcr. The remote works fine with each piece of equipment. I'm sure the Yamaha remote is equally adept, as are many aftermarket ones.


Junior Audioholic
Thanks everyone.

Can anyone confirm whether or not the Yamaha RX-V757 is more or less the same as the Yamaha DSP-AX757SE sold in the UK?

The Yamaha DSP-AX757SE received an incredible review from WHAT HI*FI? SOUND AND VISION, and I am primarily interested in the Yamaha RX-V757 because I *ASSUME* they are very similar because they share common numbers, wattage....7.1 etc.



Audioholic Ninja
Yamaha receivers

You should also consider the higher end Yamaha models. You can get great deals on the RX-V2500 or RX-V1500 models because there are new versions out that add HDMI. There are also great reviews on the 2500 on this and other sites. Look for these models in the $6-400 range.

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis