I purchased yamaha rx-v673 last week. Hooked it up and things seemed well for the first few minutes or so. I then lost audio for 1.0 - 1.5 seconds. Kinda like when the signal gets lost from a station for a brief second. The receiver display would flash off then go back on. Then it happened again, and again, and another couple hundred times. It could happen once every 5 minutes, then stop, the start up again. It didn’t matter which channel I was viewing on the TV (Toshiba 50l2200u, 6 mos old). For every 10 times the audio went out, 2 of those 10 times the video went black as well for same amount of time. I replaced an Onkyo receiver and I had no issues with that still working receiver. This is strictly a Yamaha receiver issue
I have a Comcast cable box. HDMI goes from cable box to HDMI 2 then HDMI Output to TV. I tried both HDMI 1 & 2 on TV. Same results. I checked 3 HDMI cables, all HDMI high speed. I removed the Yamaha receiver and directly wired to TV from cable box with 2 of my 3 cables. Watched for 4 hours. Swap cables. Rinse and repeat. I couldn’t get the signal loss I received when the Yamaha plugged in. That ruled out 3 HDMI high speed cables and Comcast cable box.
I figured I would check HDMI CEC and ARC. Turned those off on both receiver and TV. Same thing. I Tried pure direct on the Yamaha, same thing. Tried just about every setting and I still lose audio for 1.0 – 1.5 seconds. Very frustrating. I have also tried HDMI3 and HDMI4 with same results. At first, when changing HDMI in from 2 to 3 to 4, etc., it seems to work for a while and then the issue reappears, as if heat might have something to do with it.
I then tried running the HDMI cable from cable box to HDMI 1 (blue ray / dvd). So far, I am not getting any of that signal loss. Two days of trying this. Everything is working as expected.
Question 1: Do you think it is a hardware failure on HDMI2? Hear of any tricks I can try? I did not reset the receiver at all. Anyone experience this issue?
Question 2: What is so special about HDMI1 that it is designated for blue ray? Is it a bitrate issue? Why is it designated for blue ray and dvd?
Question 3: Can I leave my cable box input on HDMI1 without any other issues? I don’t have blue ray but might get one. Can I plug blue ray into another terminal besides HDMI1? What will I lose if I do?
I am thinking it is a hardware issue. My firmware is 1.80. I do have optical cables but have not tried those.
What do you think? Anything, the smallest of feedback, might just help. Thanks, in advance,