Yamaha rx-v673 loses audio signal for 1 - 1.5 seconds via HDMI2



I purchased yamaha rx-v673 last week. Hooked it up and things seemed well for the first few minutes or so. I then lost audio for 1.0 - 1.5 seconds. Kinda like when the signal gets lost from a station for a brief second. The receiver display would flash off then go back on. Then it happened again, and again, and another couple hundred times. It could happen once every 5 minutes, then stop, the start up again. It didn’t matter which channel I was viewing on the TV (Toshiba 50l2200u, 6 mos old). For every 10 times the audio went out, 2 of those 10 times the video went black as well for same amount of time. I replaced an Onkyo receiver and I had no issues with that still working receiver. This is strictly a Yamaha receiver issue

I have a Comcast cable box. HDMI goes from cable box to HDMI 2 then HDMI Output to TV. I tried both HDMI 1 & 2 on TV. Same results. I checked 3 HDMI cables, all HDMI high speed. I removed the Yamaha receiver and directly wired to TV from cable box with 2 of my 3 cables. Watched for 4 hours. Swap cables. Rinse and repeat. I couldn’t get the signal loss I received when the Yamaha plugged in. That ruled out 3 HDMI high speed cables and Comcast cable box.

I figured I would check HDMI CEC and ARC. Turned those off on both receiver and TV. Same thing. I Tried pure direct on the Yamaha, same thing. Tried just about every setting and I still lose audio for 1.0 – 1.5 seconds. Very frustrating. I have also tried HDMI3 and HDMI4 with same results. At first, when changing HDMI in from 2 to 3 to 4, etc., it seems to work for a while and then the issue reappears, as if heat might have something to do with it.
I then tried running the HDMI cable from cable box to HDMI 1 (blue ray / dvd). So far, I am not getting any of that signal loss. Two days of trying this. Everything is working as expected.

Question 1: Do you think it is a hardware failure on HDMI2? Hear of any tricks I can try? I did not reset the receiver at all. Anyone experience this issue?

Question 2: What is so special about HDMI1 that it is designated for blue ray? Is it a bitrate issue? Why is it designated for blue ray and dvd?

Question 3: Can I leave my cable box input on HDMI1 without any other issues? I don’t have blue ray but might get one. Can I plug blue ray into another terminal besides HDMI1? What will I lose if I do?

I am thinking it is a hardware issue. My firmware is 1.80. I do have optical cables but have not tried those.

What do you think? Anything, the smallest of feedback, might just help. Thanks, in advance,


Audioholic Field Marshall
Sounds very much like a hardware issue. If you have a warranty, use it. Otherwise, there is nothing different at all between the Hdmi inputs. You can use any input for any device.


Sounds very much like a hardware issue. If you have a warranty, use it. Otherwise, there is nothing different at all between the Hdmi inputs. You can use any input for any device.
Thank you! Yahama thinks it is hardware issue as well. I am gonna return it. Thanks again.

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