I have Yamaha RX V-667 AVR connected to my 5.1 speaker system.
The sub in this sytem is a Velodyne Impact 10. The sub has an auto On feature that can't be disconnected or bypassed (I think)
I can't seem to get enough signal to the sub consistently and the sub is cutting in and out and it does not turn on at low volume levels. As soon as I increase the volume to approx -32 dB the sub turn on, regardless of audio content. the 5.1 system is set up with YPAO.
All speaker are set to small and the crossover freq is set to 200. The crossover on the sub is also set to 200.
The sub is connected with a single subwoofer cable
Any suggestion on what I can try with the amplifier so I can get a stronger signal to the sub.
Also, if somebody could explain why the sub turns on at higher volme levels I would find that very educational.
Thanks in advance