I had my mind pretty much made up on the 659, that can be had for about $350, and I ran across a deal on a 1500 tonight at an outlet store...I picked one up for $300 out the door, it just seemed like too good of a deal to pass up...now that I get home and look up the specs, I see that the 1500 model is a bit older, released about 2.5 years ago, but has more power, 120wpc vs 100 on the 659...other than that, they seem to be about the same, feature-wise...the 1500 does not have iPod or XM features, neither of which I care about.
I'm going to be picking up a set of Maggies for this, so I could use the extra power...but I'm not sure if the 659 has any benefits as far as internal components that would be better; i.e. power supply, better/worse DAC, etc...
I do know that the 1500 had a MSRP of $799 and the 659 retailed at $549...
Anybody have input?