I am new to home theater and used this forum extensively to help decide speakers, receiver and so on and so forth. After much struggle and considerable consternation I set up my system yesterday, comprising of:
1. Yamaha Rx V471 receiver
2. Energy Take Classic speakers
3. Polk PSW10 subwoofer.
My Tivo and Roku are now connected to the HDMI IN on the receiver and the HDMI OUT goes to my TV for video. With this setup, I am able to get decent audio and video. However the AV receiver manual recommends an optical audio connection between the receiver and TV, and this is what most users on the forum also write about. I am confused, if the audio from TiVO and Roku are directly taken by the receiver and passed into the speakers, why do I need an optical audio connection with the TV? I do get audio from the current setup, but am concerned I might be doing something wrong/getting inferior audio by not hooking up the optical audio. Please advise!
1. Yamaha Rx V471 receiver
2. Energy Take Classic speakers
3. Polk PSW10 subwoofer.
My Tivo and Roku are now connected to the HDMI IN on the receiver and the HDMI OUT goes to my TV for video. With this setup, I am able to get decent audio and video. However the AV receiver manual recommends an optical audio connection between the receiver and TV, and this is what most users on the forum also write about. I am confused, if the audio from TiVO and Roku are directly taken by the receiver and passed into the speakers, why do I need an optical audio connection with the TV? I do get audio from the current setup, but am concerned I might be doing something wrong/getting inferior audio by not hooking up the optical audio. Please advise!