Yamaha rx-v3300.......Anyone use this?



<font color='#000000'>I have a chance to pick up 1 of these on close-out for $600. I currently have a rx-v620 which is OK (100 WPC,5.1 srrnd) but Im looking to upgrade when possible w/o shelling out big $. This unit has 130 wpc,6.1 + 2 25w front effect. Also has pro logic 2 which the 620 doesn't. Am torn between progressing to separates or just getting the best amped receiver. With this unit my options would be open as it has pre-outs, which the 620 doesn't.
&nbsp;This unit sounds OK at the store (GG's) but it's hard to judge as it is driving some Klipsch rf5's in a HT setup. The combo sounds pretty bright, which doesn't surprise me, but seems to lack in low end when I have the salesman turn off the sub.
&nbsp;Im starting over with my setup &amp; currently have some Boston 950's, Klipsch kb1.1 surrnds, bottom end Klipsch center &amp; fairly low end Boston sub (pv500 I think). Seeing as how this unit lists @ $1499 on Yamaha site &amp; $1299 originally @ GG's, it seems to be a good deal. But I can find no editor reviews on this &amp; am a little skeptical of reviews on other sites as almost noone trashes the equip. they paid for.
&nbsp;If anyone has or has used this unit I'd be interested in some feedback.


&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Zipper</font>

Jack N

Full Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>I bought a 3300 last summer and I'm quite happy with it.  The flexibility of the built in sound environments is really nice, and there are so many of them.  I find the 8 channel stereo mode a real gas!  Like you though, I wish it had a little more punch in the bottom end.  Personally, I don't find it bright at all.  I too wasn't sure about going to separates, so when the price fell to $900 the decision became a lot easier.  To me, to be able to get a 3300 for $600 is a no-brainer.  If you use it for just the pre-amp it's still a no-brainer.  You can't possibly beat the bang for the buck at that price.  But obviously if you think it sounds bright and you don't like the sound, then it's not a good deal no matter what the price is.</font>


<font color='#000000'>Thanks Jack.

The brightness I describe doesn't bother me that much as Im sure that neither the speakers nor the unit are really broken in. I agree, being a current Yamaha user, that this is probably a no-brainer. Was looking to see if anyone had had any problems out of the usual as I never saw this unit hyped at all. Would like it more if it had adjustable sub crossover but this is very much an upgade from the rx-v620 that I paid $450 for 2 yrs. ago.

Thanks again for responding.</font>


<font color='#000000'>The 3300 is great but before you buy (is it used?) consider the 2400 with a little less power but a lot more up to date features and connectivity that is on the street under $700</font>


Audioholic General
<font color='#0000FF'>Just would like to add that the amp section on the RXV-3300 is almost the same one used in their flagship, namely the RX-Z1, they both have a damping factor of 200 in tandem with other high end amps from Yamaha although the 2400's 150 isnt bad at all.</font>


<font color='#000000'>Thanks to all for responding. I ended up buying this unit the day I started this thread. It's new, but was a demo in a HT system @ the Good Guys. Got it for $599. 30 day return policy &amp; full warranty. Have been breaking it in at low to moderate volumes &amp; it sounds wonderful. A definite improvement in overall sound quality from 620. HOWEVER!!
&nbsp;I turned it on this morning &amp; noticed that the left srrnd chan was not playing! I started at the speaker &amp; worked my way back, after 1st checking that it wasn't a problem with the DVD I was playing. Running the test tones, initially there was still no sound. In the 3rd rotation the channel came to life. No static or humm, it was off, then it was on. Has been on for a couple hrs. since with no trouble.
&nbsp;Is this a quirk that anyone has experienced? Of course my initial reaction is to take the unit back. But they dont have a replacement at the store. Id rather not have to jump through the hoops of packing this thing up &amp; shipping it off to have it repaired so Im going to give this thing about 2 weeks &amp; see if it happens again.
&nbsp;If anyone has had the a similar problem, please respond.
&nbsp;Also, if anyone has dealt with Yamaha or the Good Guys as far as repair or return please let me know what I can expect.


&nbsp; zipper</font>

Jack N

Full Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>Sorry to hear about your problem.  My 3300 has worked perfectly since day 1.  I've gotten demo units before and it's not uncommon to have trouble with them.  I guess it's the hassle you have to put up with to get a really good deal.</font>


<font color='#000000'>Yeah, you're right, Jack. I knew that when I bought it. But I've also had pretty good luck in the past with demo's. Hopefully it wont be a major ordeal to get it fixed with the local Yamaha repair rep.
&nbsp;It's a wonderful sounding unit &amp; I'd like to keep it awhile.</font>

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