YAMAHA RX-V2600 - Will or Won't it upscale SD signal input from HDMI



Cable box to Panny PT50LC14 has best picture when using HDMI box output.

Yamaha RX-V2600 on the way.

Really looking forward to upscaling SD channels as well as getting great HD channels from Comcast. Yamaha manual clearly shows upscaling when using analog inputs from component on down.

However, if I use the HDMI output from the box, will the receiver automatically upscale any SD signals or will it simply pass them through to the HDMI output???

Appreciate any and all responses. Thanks.


Audioholic Spartan
it will just pass it on... HDMI is always untouhced in the 1600 and 2600


Audioholic Ninja

The 2600 will upscale any analog video input including component video. This format will also avoid the HDMI cable box issues that are prevelant.



I guess that I am one of the lucky ones who has had no problems using the HDMI output from the cable box to the TV. HDMI from box to TV is miles better than the component output.

From what I can figure out, in order to upscale cable SD output, and maintain the quality of the cable HD programming, I will have to output both component video and HDMI from the cable box to the receiver and then select which input to use at the receiver based on the content. Too bad that there is no carrier signal that would alert the receiver as to wether the content is HD or SD. Anyway, I am assuming that the above solution would work.


Yamaha 2600 and Sony KDS-R50SBR1 Con't

I am also trying to get a full understanding on how and what is the best video and audio based upon the use of various cables for SD and HD.

Current configuration

Sat Box DirectTV H20 to- Yamaha 2600 with component video and optical cable for audio from H20 to Yamaha 2600
HDMI cable from Yamaha 2600 to Sony KDS-R50XBR1
DVD - component video and Digital CoAx to Yamaha 2600 (No HDMI available on DVD)

With this current configuration are the SD channels being upconverted to 1080i via the 2600? Is 1080i being outputed on the out HDMI connected to the TV? I then assume the TV is converting this to 1080p.

What happens if I change the cables on the Sat Box to HDMI ( Sat Box to receiver), from the component and optical cables?

People have also mentioned that I could run cables (which type of cable I am not sure of) from the Sat Box directly to the TV? I am not sure f the TV will upconvert the SD channels? If this is a good option, how do I run the audio cabling?

Just trying to figure out what is best.


KJ, if you use HDMI direct to Yamaha 2600, you will only get pass thru (untouched) signal to the TV.

Your HD content will be better with HDMI. Whether your SD content is better will depend on whether or not the scaler in the Yamaha is better than the scaler in the TV. My older Panny sucks but the Sony is supposed to have a decent scaler. So, trial & error for you. Try it both ways and then decide. Also, when using the component input to the Yamaha, try setting it up for 1080i output and then try 720p output and see which looks better on your TV. You have to tell the Yamaha what you want it to do. It will only upscale if you set it up that way (see manual)

So it really depends on which upscaler is better for SD content (TV or Yamaha). (Sorry - I know that my signature showed Sony KDS-R60XBR1 but at last minute I found used Panny that was OK and decided to wait for full 1080p and LED/Laser instead of HID Lamp)

If the TV is better, go HDMI all the way and you have one easy connection and no input switching to worry about. If the Yamaha scaler is better, hook up both component and HDMI from Sat Box to receiver and switch from one to the other depending on what you are watching or just accept whatever the upscaled input looks like if it's good enough.

Also, your TV has two HDMI inputs. Use one for a direct HDMI connection from the Sat Box and then compare. This is nice if the TV scaler is OK and you don't want to turn everything on all the time.

Good Luck.
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Thanks PeaceRules,

I was in the process of trying your suggestions. How do I get the 2600 to upscale the signal coming in via the Sat connection, the connection coming into the receiver is component video with optical audio? The output from the receiver to the TV is HDMI. I went into the video settings for the SAT on the 2600 and the settings for the HDMI is set to passthru, and I do not have the option to upscale.



HEY KJ, Check out instructions on Pages 87 & 88 of the manual. THis should help. If you don't have the manual, go to Yamaha's website and download the pdf. Good luck. Let me knowhow you make out. Peace


Junior Audioholic
i have the Yam 2600 hooked up with component in from cbl box and hdmi to display.

all SD channels are being output at 720p and the HD channels are passed through.so with the exception of the HD channels that are 1080i everything else is output at 720p.

It is a little strange but i guess the Yam will not downscale a HD signal as is the case with 1080i channels.

i have a upconverting dvd player that i have hooked up with HDMI which i view at 720p also.
I find the picture to be much clearer with HDMI from dvd player to reciever which will only pass thru.I dont have the dvd player hooked directly to display which is also an option.

The yam. does soften the image a bit and the HD channels definitely looked better when using HDMI but all other channels look much better when upscaled.

Its a matter of what looks better on your display.you have to play around a bit with the cables and see what looks best.

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