Yamaha RX-A3000/3010 vs Denon AVR-4311CI



I read the "read before you post a new thread" stating don't ask "which is better?" or "what are the differences between A and B?" To try and dig down to the specifics as I try to decide between the 1-yr old Denon AVR-4311CI and the soon to be released Yamaha RX-A3010 (roughly the same price), I read some very favorable and in-depth reviews at audioholics.com and AVS Forums. I have a Boston Reference Series 7.2 speaker system and at the end of the year will be getting a happy 50th b-day Samsung 8000 series 3-D TV. I need to upgrade my receiver and I don't want to have to upgrade again for another 8-10 years. So I don't mind spending $2000 now as opposed to $500 every 2 years.

My problem is that it is really hard to pick a winner between these 2 receivers. Most reviews point out that the Denon AVR-4311CI sounds awesome, is top quality, and has responded to most of the critics wants from the AVR-4310. The newer Yamaha RX-A3010 appears to have almost identical specs except I've read that the quoted power rating of 150W/ch might be greatly exaggerated (ref Home Theater Magazine article on the RX-A2000, and I'm assuming the A3000 differs similarly). On the other hand, it appears the RX-A3000/3010 differs in that it has HDMI standby switching, although I don't know why I would ever watch something on the TV without having sound coming through my receiver. The Yamaha might also have a better remote and GUI.

So before I walk into a store and try to detect the differences between these 2 (or at least the RX-A3000 until Sept) while a salesman tries to give me a hard sell one way or another, will someone please point out some key differences in features or quality for me to consider (sorry moderators...)?



Audioholic Ninja
Both of the AVR's will serve you well as both are well made. When you get into this price range of AVR's your speakers will become 'what's' important.


Audioholic Spartan
I'd be very happy to own either of those, and as a current owner of both yamaha and denon receivers, both will serve you well.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
The decideing factors for me would be EQ setup. Denon uses Audyssey and Yamaha uses YPAO...more people seem to believe Audyssey is the better option.


Audioholic Slumlord
The decideing factors for me would be EQ setup. Denon uses Audyssey and Yamaha uses YPAO...more people seem to believe Audyssey is the better option.
I wonder if there is a night and day difference in sound between the two EQs. I have the older vewrsion YPAO and it does a great job for my room.

To the OP....

I would audition both in the same room if possible and if teh results are tied, go with the better deal. :)


Audioholic General
I have also owned both Denon & now Yamaha (RX-A2000) Like mentioned, your speakers will become whats important because both AVRs will give you accurate processing/sound/power. Honestly dont get caught up in the power ratings because your speakers are a standard load to push. Even a 20watt per channel difference will not be audible. Not until you double power will things start to get good.

I recommend finding the best deal on one or the other & save for a power amp later (i.e Emotiva). Thats if you want to completely unleash your system. As far as each of the room correction systems, they are both great! I actually preffer what YPAO does but a lot will side on Audessey. In the end there is not much if any difference IMHO!!!!

Good choices to choose from, decide on one & dont look back!!

Its like asking if Red apples are better than Yellow apples, their both apples & i cant answer which one tastes better to you.

(+1 for Yammie) :) for the record


Junior Audioholic
Yeah, I agree. I found the Yammy sounded better with my speakers. So, ask if you can bring them home, hook them up and see if one sound better than the other. Yammies are known to be a little more natural sounding, but you might like the Denon sound better.

They are both great!

+1 for Yammy for me too!


Thank you very much for the replies. That makes sense that my speakers will be the limiting factor for the system and that either receiver will serve me well. That's also a good point that both receivers will allow me to add an amp in the future, so that's good. With regard to speaker calibration, my room is an acoustic nightmare...I have a cathedral ceiling and the living room is open behind the TV and on one half of a sidewall. So I think that the EQ setup for any receiver will be imperfect at best. I like the advice that I should simply check them both out in a store and then consider which one is the better deal. It's tempting to wait for the Denon AVR-4313CI in Spring 2012, but then if I get my new TV in Nov/Dec, that would mean waiting about 4 excruciating months while the TV is hooked up with component cables (shiver). Plus I'm really, really bad at waiting.

Thanks again for the responses. I am still going to wait until after Thanksgiving to try and score a good deal, and to distract myself from the pain of having to wait I just ordered the Oppo BDP-95 Blu-Ray player.


Audioholic Intern
I have the denon 4311, and I could'nt be happier, the sound is clear and with audessy, it really balance everything out.


fwiw.....when you hook the Oppo 95 up to either one of them, they will both sound better. I discovered something the other day (get those senior moments when you start hitting 50 - get used to them :eek:) that watching movies through the multi-channel setting of my Yammie 3800 makes a real difference in sq versus the audio through hdmi. I read that the DAC's on the analogue output were that good and I have to tell you, they are !!!
Whichever one you choose, the Oppo will make it sing !!!!

and ps... +1 for the Yamaha


Audioholic Slumlord
I have used Yamaha, Denon, now Marantz. In pure direct modes they all sound the same to me. Souce media and speakers sound very different so to me any minute difference in SQ between AVR/amp brands is not worth worrying about. That being said, I do prefer Audyssey. I just trust them more than the others, that they know what they are doing. From feature set stand point, the 4311 is currently unbeatable at its price point.

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