Yamaha RX-V2400 VS Denons
I recently did a side by side test with the Yamaha RX-V2400 vs Denons
2105, 2805, & 3805.
I did this at a Tweeter audio store with a salesman.
I'll make this short. I listened in two channel stereo. Pure direct if it was there. I was amazed at how muddy the Denon 2105 and 2805 were,
compared to the Yamaha RX-V2400 which was very open. The salesman heard what I heard. The Denons were a little more focused but dull. The Yamaha was open but not focused. I didn't like either sound completely.
The salesman said "lets listen to the Denon 3805". I was blown away.
All attributes were there. Clarity, focus, integration, soundstage. Pretty good for a receiver.
I have since read that the Denons(but not the 3805 and higher priced) can't handle the loads of the inefficient Polks we were listening to. That's why they sounded distorted & dull.
Thought the Yamaha and Denon guys would appeciate this.