Since you ask about what to do, besides amps and speakers, cheap pure copper wires are also only good for HT speakers, for hifi/musical speakers you need high end OFC super thick and specially shield wires. Same for prepros/DAC etc., some of them may sound good with HT but not so good with music. And by the way, designers, engineers/manufacturers may do their own thing to their own liking (ears tuned) so you can't go by measurements/graphs etc., go by ears, listen to as many component as you can and ask others for their opinions but don't listent to them. Things that don't measure well may sound great to you and vice versa. Also don't forget about matching, certain prepro goes well with certain power amps, speakers, wires etc., but may not sound so good if you don't match them up accordingly. Yep, that's the least what a person can do..