Xbox Live Gamertags

Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
Any 360 gamers care to share Live gamertags ?

Mine is


Named for the repetitive stress injury I have suffered from too much video gaming and ping pong.

I'm a casual gamer only though, but I like to play the current EA hockey game and CoD4.

I play a mean Cod4, I will brutalizing your bullets with the side of my cranium ;)

I am curious to try out Rainbow6-2 on Live also.


Mine's TheTicTacKiller :p

I Kill Bad Breath xD

As Of Now, I'm Playing The Battlefield: Bad Company. Kinda Laggy.. Pretty Fun Though.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm Drastic Plastic I pretty much only play Halo 3 and COD 4 right now.


My tag is "sixsec assassin" I play pretty much anything. I'm loving COD4 though. My 360 died a few weeks ago. I called for the repair box and 2 weeks went by I called back and they are sending another. Gotta love it. MY system was a lauch console, so it lasted awhile.
Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
That's me in a nutshell... If you share your gamertag, does it mean that you'll get bombarded with join requests when playing a game? :0
I hope not, I'm not really sure how requests get resolved. I'm sure you can turn them off if it gets annoying.
Cruise Missile

Cruise Missile

Full Audioholic
Rooster Pudding on Xbox Live (long story) And Octane on PSN


Junior Audioholic
"Callsign SWITCH" CoD4, CoD4, and CoD4

I HAD the greatest name in XBL history (for about 5 years), until someone reported it and Microsoft made me change it.

I was "FatKidWithTits"
Cruise Missile

Cruise Missile

Full Audioholic
That one still has me laughing.
My wife also plays, and she reported a gamertag the other day that I loved. But that's how it goes, something I thought was pretty clever and funny, someone else found offensive.



mine is DenSaw

Cod 4
NHL 08
Assassins Creed

my gf loves Viva Pinata and most arcade games
Cruise Missile

Cruise Missile

Full Audioholic
COD4, Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, UT3 on PS3.
My wife plays COD4/RSV2.. She has a cast on her right hand that covers everything but the very tips of her fingers. We played over the week-end. I wanted to go upstairs to see how on earth she was doing so well! I thought with the cast that it would have been kinda like whack a mole. She did throw a lot of xtra grenades though..:p



I play as AmpROTEL.

I have my stats posted on the lower-right side of my blog homepage:

My wife has never complained about my A/V projects. However, the xbox is her least favorite feature. She used to complain about being a "golf widow". Now she is way more jealous of the xbox than the golf course.

Seriously, Xbox 360 gaming in multi-channel audio is amazing. Check out the rig on my homepage and feel free to post comments.

Oh yeah, looks like I'm not the only one here who gets pushed around by the youngsters on first-person shooter games!

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