Looking for a behringer ep2500 power amp in good condition.
D Deezer Junior Audioholic Mar 25, 2010 #1 Looking for a behringer ep2500 power amp in good condition.
davidtwotrees Audioholic General Mar 26, 2010 #2 There's a thread up in the amp section called "Tired of my EP2500". Maybe the op there would talk turkey with you........
There's a thread up in the amp section called "Tired of my EP2500". Maybe the op there would talk turkey with you........
D Deezer Junior Audioholic Mar 26, 2010 #3 I seen that but, I didn't want to jump in and crap on his thread for my needs.
GO-NAD! Audioholic Warlord Mar 26, 2010 #4 Deezer said: I seen that but, I didn't want to jump in and crap on his thread for my needs. Click to expand... I double-dog dare ya! Boy, I'm starting to sound like the monkey... Actually, I need an EP1500/2500 or EP2000/4000 as well. It'd just cost an arm or leg to ship it here...
Deezer said: I seen that but, I didn't want to jump in and crap on his thread for my needs. Click to expand... I double-dog dare ya! Boy, I'm starting to sound like the monkey... Actually, I need an EP1500/2500 or EP2000/4000 as well. It'd just cost an arm or leg to ship it here...
jeffsg4mac Republican Poster Boy Mar 26, 2010 #5 What are you going to use it for? I have two A-500's that might suit you
jeffsg4mac Republican Poster Boy Mar 26, 2010 #7 What is the impedance of the drivers? If they are 8ohms The A-500's would be good bridged mono.
D Deezer Junior Audioholic Mar 26, 2010 #8 Thanks for the offer,but I was looking for one amp since I don't have a lot of space in my tv stand.
S Sepen Junior Audioholic Apr 7, 2010 #10 Deezer said: Bump,still looking Click to expand... I have one, like new, did the fan mod already. Pm me....
Deezer said: Bump,still looking Click to expand... I have one, like new, did the fan mod already. Pm me....