Would my Denon 4310c receiver be able to handle the psb image series



Audioholic Intern
I have a Denon 4310c receiver which is a greap amp, but I cant find information anywhere on how many oHm it could handle. Im thinking of getting the image t6 towers and the C5 center. I read off the psb website that those speakers are 8 ohm nominal anf 4 ohm minimum.

I read in plenty reviews that they drop down to 6 ohms. I really want these speakers but IDK if my receiver would handle it. It would be upsetting since I spent almost $2000 on this receiver. please help me out. thanks


Audioholic Ninja
It will definitely handle them without problem.:D


Audioholic General
I used to have a Denon 889 (=2309) & hooked up to it were 8ohm nominal 3.2 ohm minimum speakers. That Denon would crank those speakers to much higher volumes than id even want & without any distortion. You will be toally good!! Down the line if you feel something is missing then ad an Emotiva amp.


Audioholic Slumlord
You are much better than OK with that big Denon driving the PSBs. I used to have a cheap Technics SAX940 (100 x 5 into 6 ohms) drive my PSB Image suite of speakers and it had no problems driving them to comfortably loud levels. It never tripped the protection circuits even once. :)


Audioholic Jedi
It's unanimous that the Denon 4310 can drive those PSB speakers without breaking a sweat.:D

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