i never hooked up 2 amps before, but im pretty sure u need a distributor (it splits the power wire into 2 cables, this allows u to connect both amps with only one power cable connected to ur battery)
everything else such as the interconnects should connect to the back of ur stereo to ur amps (which means u will need 2 sets of interconnects cables, one for each amp)
u also need to connect the remote wire from ur stereo to ur amps (also need 2 sets, one for each amp)... my stereo only has ONE wire in which to connect ONE remote wire... (which means i can only connect ONE of the remote wires to ONE of the amps) this will leave u with the other remote wire that still needs to be connected, so wut i would do is splice into the other remote wire, (this way both remote wires are hooked up n give power to both amps)
by the way subs are better if u hook them up to class D monoblock amps... 2-channel still works but wutever, u learn from experience haha