I've been waiting for Aerogel to come out on the market for home insulation. I don't think it's that much to ask, since it's been around since the 1930's.
It's interesting there isn't more of a push to manufacture more and bring the cost down.
It would more than make up for the terrible inefficiency of solar panels that have been around
almost as long.
Aerogel looks like really cool stuff. Too bad it costs so much; saw an article that said:...
"A breadboard sized slab of Aerogel that is a half inch thick may end up costing you around $900. This price is expected to drop should demand increase and the companies producing these Aerogel slabs are projecting a $35 price per square foot of the product in the near future to a very low $10 for every square foot of Aerogel as long as demands for the product go up to at least 600 thousand square feet every year. This increase in production will help lower the cost of this versatile yet very strong material and can be seen used in many applications soon if demand for it does rise and prices do fall."