World of Warcraft addic....players



Anyone play? Just started yesterday and looking for a group, I'm currently playing in Aerie Peak as a Mage.


Audioholic Samurai
Ohh the memories. I used to play WoW... wait let me rephrase, I used to be addicted to WoW. Run as fast as you can from that game before you get sucked in and no one will ever see you again.

But yeah I played for 2 years since it came out until recently. I quit after BC came out. But mages are fun I had a lv60 one. Are you horde or alliance? And if you are alliance are you a gnome? Only mage to be.


Ohh the memories. I used to play WoW... wait let me rephrase, I used to be addicted to WoW. Run as fast as you can from that game before you get sucked in and no one will ever see you again.

But yeah I played for 2 years since it came out until recently. I quit after BC came out. But mages are fun I had a lv60 one. Are you horde or alliance? And if you are alliance are you a gnome? Only mage to be.


Full Audioholic
I started playing at the beginning of 2005 - Undead/Mage/Lv70 - and I total agree...... run as far away as you can from this game. This is the most addictive game I've ever played. It got really bad at one point.

I used to play an insane amount. I'm not sure if you ever heard of the term "High Warlord" or the alliance equivalent "Grand Marshal."

Here's an interview of 3 people who have done the cp grind:

I can say that it took me about 6 - 8 months of constant playing to get to HWL. It was probably the most stupidest, brutal thing I've ever done. I ran on 3 hours of sleep every night for a 3.5 months. 4 days a week, I would play straight from 6PM - 4AM, sleep 3 hours, and head to work. On Friday nights, I would go from 6:00PM - 9:00AM, sleep for 2 hours, get back on from 11:00AM - 6:00AM, sleep again, and then play from 9:00AM to 3:00AM. Then repeat this cycle for 3.5 months. On my last week of the grind, I went 3 days without sleeping to get those extra 3 hours of playing to keep up.

The worst part is that, if you miss a day, it takes 1-2 weeks to regain that progress, so there are no breaks.

I still play now, but not nearly as much. I'm trying to find new hobbies to get into to replace WoW... hence the audio stuff, but I have to admit that it's proven quite difficult.

WoW actually messed up my health, set me back at work, and messed up my social/family life. It sucks you in and doesn't let you do anything else. It's really scary how much of a grip this thing can have on you. I remember thinking to myself, "if I make HWL, then everything will fall into place in my life." Obviously, that didn't happen. When you're in, all you can think about is "I want new gear, I want to be powerful, I want all the others to look up to me." The lure of being something that you're not IRL (in real life) is something extremely enticing. This is where you can be the most famous/powerful/loved/feared person, as long as you give up your real life.

At first, it'll seem like a casual game. But once you hit lvl 70, you'll start searching for guilds to join so that you can keep progressing your character. That's when you will have to make a choice between real life and WoW life. The game requires dedication and commitment, or you will get nowhere. Remember that this is a subscription based game. The game is designed as a time-sink. They want you to keep the subscription going. 9 million active players at $15 dollars a month. Do the math. That's insane revenue each month. We're not even counting the $50.00 cost of getting the game in the first place. WoW is a multi-billion dollar industry.

We used to say on our server "WoW is a lifestyle choice." I've never heard more true words.

P.S. On the last two weeks of going for HWL, I played 98 hours the first week, and 120 hours the second week.


Full Audioholic
Sorry about the rant. I just had to get that out.


Audioholic Samurai
Yeah it pretty much was over when I hit my first lv60 (Human Warlock). After that I started to look for raid guilds and I found myself playing 7-8 hours on weekdays after class and pretty much all day on weekends (12+ hours). Run away from this game as fast as you can before it sucks you in.


Full Audioholic
Even more messed up is that I gave my phone number to people on my "Warlord's Team" so that in the event I SoK (sleep on keyboard), they can call me to wake me up. It happened ALL the time too. Ugh. Just, Ugh.


Senior Audioholic
I can understand being addicted to good games, but WoW?


Full Audioholic
I can understand being addicted to good games, but WoW?
A subscription base of 9,000,000 is screaming how wrong you are.

Wow. 9,000,000 people paying, what, $14/month?

That is $126,000,000.00 per month income. Not to mention the people have to buy the actual game...

Holy crap. Is my math correct? Is that really over $1.5 BILLION incoming per year? From one video game?

Is there a game MORE popular?


Senior Audioholic
A subscription base of 9,000,000 is screaming how wrong you are.

Wow. 9,000,000 people paying, what, $14/month?

That is $126,000,000.00 per month income. Not to mention the people have to buy the actual game...

Holy crap. Is my math correct? Is that really over $1.5 BILLION incoming per year? From one video game?

Is there a game MORE popular?
Artists like Fergie and Nickelback are top sellers. Does that make them good? Hell no.

Just because it has a large userbase doesn't mean its a good game.



Full Audioholic
I don't necessarily disagree with you Waffle, and that comic is hilarious.

But just because you say something is so doesn't make it so either.


Full Audioholic
Mikey - Yup your numbers are correct. Over a billion in revenue from one game alone. Insane. Don't forget that those 9 million people had to pay $50.00 for the game to begin with. So add another $450 million lump sum. And this doesn't include the people that have quit the game and de-activated their accounts.

Waffle, yes, a large user base does mean that it's a good game, however, it does indicate that the game is addictive.

The game is designed to not require much skill so that it's accessible to everyone. However, they design it as a time sink to hook people in once they start. I've never seen any major game with a larger female user-base!
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
i hope that billions of dollars in revenue results to a new kickass diablo game.

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