No, I believe you double decay as you move further away, so it would be -12dB at 3m (I'll have to check that), however the formula for actual calculation of how much power you need isn't exactly that simple because there are SO many factors to consider such as room gain (reflections), materials within the room (lots of reflections or few?), the speaker's impedance curve over its frequency range (impedance varies with frequency), and what you are playing and how loud.
Under normal listening conditions the average speaker only draws about 5-10 watts realistically, if that. It is under peak demand where you find out whether you have enough power for a given speaker in a given room. Peaks can demand suddent bursts of over 10X the power to deliver the transients so that means you should to be able to deliver 100w minimum any given time (theoretically) if called for. At average listening levels, you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two receivers, but when watching a big action flick with it cranked up, during the big explosions is where you would tend to notice where one runs out of steam vs the other.