
Recently I have purchased a set of Logitech Z-5500 speakers for my computer. My interconnect of choice is SPDIF between the computer and speakers. This connection is currently made with an optical cable.

Can this connection be made wireless? I have heard rumors of people possibly doing this. It would give me more flexibility in where I can place my computer and speakers in my computer room.

Any and all responses about this are welcome.


I want to do a similar thing. I want to run the audio from my PC sound card to the receiver of my main stereo system.

Here's what I need:

PC Sound card digital line out 3.5 mono -> RCA/Coax -> wireless -> RCA/Coax or Toslink -> Dolby Digital Receiver

So far I haven't found anything with google..mostly just streaming audio solutions from the PC, but I already have that. I need real time.

Otherwise, can I run SPDIF coax over say 50' without signal loss? Would it require an expensive 75ohm cable?

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I just found this:

Wireless S/PDIF?
Someone wrote to ask whether or not it would be possible to use a wireless video sender to send S/PDIF around his house. I'd never thought of this but it seemed possible, and a great idea! I thought about it and concluded that it just might work. He went out and got a 2.4Ghz video sender from Radio Shack. Amazingly it worked, and he was able to send wireless S/PDIF. Not bad for $100.

I'll have to give this a try. Now all I need is wireless video in HD resolution. I found this: http://grandtec.com/hivision2.htm If that works out ok, I'll be able to play Half Life 2 on my 96" projection screen and 6.1 DTS...muahaha.



What do you want to send real time?

What do you want to send in real time? games or music? Something else?



I want to send all audio and video from my PC real time, to my receiver. I think I have the video figured out, just needed the digital audio. I'm going to Radio Shack tonight to pick up one of those 2.4 ghz video transmitters.



I'll be watching also on your results. I am curious if it works too.

I have seen the similiar posting about SPDIF at andrew kilpatrick's website.


Ok, I bought a Leapfrog wireless video transmitter and receiver from Best Buy for $114. I was hoping to get a cheaper model from Radio Shack but they were out.

Well after hooking it up, which was a snap, I can say that it works great. I get crystal clear stereo sound through a wall, about 20' away, playing my MP3's or any other sounds from my computer.

However, I haven't been able to get it to play Dolby Digital 5.1. I'm able to play it with my analog 5.1 speaker system on my computer but my receiver won't pick up the DD 5.1 signal. I can probably rule out the wireless transmitter as the problem because I tried it with a long cable and it is doing the same thing. I have a feeling it's my sound card. I have a Sound Blaster Live! card that is advertised to do 5.1, which it does in analog mode, but not in digital mode through the digital SPDIF jack.

I guess I could probably live with stereo / prologic for my games for now, but later I'll probably upgrade my sound card to see if it makes a difference...they're so cheap it will probably be sooner than later.

Hope that helps,


Surround through Soundcard

Cool. Glad to hear it is working for you. I have heard that SB cards only output surround analog, but I can't confirm through personal experience or research. Take a look at www.m-audio.com . They are primarily geared to musicians, but some of their cards will pass surround encoding through the digital output. I have a Delta-66, and it will do this. This is a card geared toward home studio work, but they have some more traditional PC cards now as well. Keep in mind that the signal will need to be outputting to a surround capable device with a decoder to work.



Thanks Mike. It looks like the Revolution 7.1 is the card I need.



No problem. Let me know how it works out for you. I've wanted to try their Revolution series for a while, but just haven't had a need for a new card. Does the revolution do the pass-through for digital signals you need?

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