In the old days, I was able to run a couple of radios in different rooms and listen to the same program as I worked around the house, but now I can't get FM in the house (it's fine just outside in the car). I really want to listen to live PBS radio like Diane Rheem in several rooms at the some time. But I would also like to hear podcasts, and recorded (ReplayTV) PBS tv programs like Charlie Rose throughout the house. I've heard there are wireless gadgets that do at least some of this, but I don't understand enough of the technology to decipher the reviews. Is there a way to get live FM and recorded digital source progams in several rooms of the house, all playing the same thing and do so wirelessly, if possible? Please don't assume much audio knowledge in your reply. (I understand enough about internet/networking to have set up a ReplayTV in each room that "talks" to all the others, and a wired/wireless network of pc's and laptops in the house.) I have Comcast digital TV and internet wired (cat5e) throughout the house. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge.