The only time anyone should be considering wireless speakers is as follows:
1. You don't have any decent way to get from the front of the room to the back of the room for surround channels. So, you add surround channels that PLUG INTO THE WALL at the back of the room and do it that way.
2. You want a second zone of audio out on the porch in which case you want RF battery speakers for occassional outdoor use.
Otherwise, your front left/center/right speakers all require power to operate. You can plug them into the wall, or you can plug them into the receiver. It takes about 5 minutes to do it either way, but plugging them into the receiver actually reduces costs, and increases performance for the system - as well as making things more reliable.
What you are requesting doesn't actually exist, and the cost/performance trade off you have to not actually get true 'wireless' makes it all pretty pointless. A good idea, just not realistic. Kind of like saying "I want a flying car" Most people are familiar with cars and people get that to own a flying car (personal helicopter) you gotta have tons of cash and be prepared for all the hassles that go along with owning anything that flies. Since many people don't get audio, they think that 'wireless' is just a piece of cake that should work perfectly and be like your cordless phones in your home.
It isn't - and once you know, and more importantly, understand, that it isn't that easy, then you begin to accept the limitations of where technology is.