Cold, pfft, what is that?
If it gets to 50f in the house, it is very rare, and only requires a pair of pants (instead of the usual shorts).
Usual heating of my house is only for a total of maybe 14 days of the year....
Haven't lived here all my life, but for well over 20 years, and have seen many Christmas days in the 70s to 80s+.
I can't agree with Stratman, I'm tired of constant 98f+ with 120% humidity.
Granted, I would not move back to New York, but somewhere that I can at least see a White Christmas.
Note; being on the opposite side of this rant, we have to run the AC
all year long (including today) to keep it at a comfortable 75f and minimize the humidity.
Granted this is real mundane, compared to to -10.