No one is going to be able to tell you if the Denon will overheat from the information given. First, the temperature of the room is a factor in this. Another factor is how much power you require (which is related to how loud you will play it and the sensitivity of the speakers). The impedance of the speakers matters as well. And since they are all different from each other in your specific case, the channel balance you select may also be a factor in whether the Denon overheats. And the frequency you select for bass management is a factor (as the receiver will not ąmplify the deep bass that you send to the subwoofer, which will be dealt with by the subwoofer instead.
Now, going from the necessarily incomplete information available to me, I recommend that you get a different cabinet for your receiver, or if you will not do that, I recommend that you never try to play the system at rock concert levels. If the receiver ever shuts down while you are playing it, it is an indication that you are likely abusing it and need to keep the volume lower.
As for the speakers, I would go with different ones than what you are thinking of using. In order to advise you on that, we would need to know what you already own, and how much money you can spend to complete your system.