Is it because they have beefier amps and power supplies? If so, this is important info.
I am looking to pick up a new receiver in the $1k range. The three in the front running are as follows:
The Onkyo TX-NR809 for $1099 found here
The Yamaha RX-A1010 for $1099.95 found here
And the Denon AVR-3312CI for $1099.99 found here
They all have a ton of new features that I mostly don’t give a rats ars about. But they do have what I am looking for the most. I want to have at least 5+ HDMI inputs and 2 HDMI outputs with 3D capability. I want to be able to watch sports on my projector screen while playing video games on my 40” LCD at the same time, or vise versa. Does anyone have one of these models are maybe last year’s model who could confirm this feature for me?
The second most important point to me is reliability. I have always thought of these three manufacturers as being at the top of that issue. I know that Pioneer and a few others are good too, but these three top my list. Onky had some issues a few years back with some loud clicking or popping while changing sources. Has this been worked out with later models? If so, the Onkyo gets one more step closer to the top.
Number 3 is sound quality. If the extra weight of the Onkyos means more head room or higher current availability, then take another step to the head of the class. Weights of each model are:
Onkyo 40.3 lbs
Denon 26.8 lbs
Yammy 33.3 lbs (I currently have a Yammy RX-V2500 and love it, but I have a hard time thinking that going from a 38 lbs unit to a 33.3 lbs unit is an upgrade)
One of the many features available (that I do care about) is the ability to control two subs with the remote. The Yammy says yes, but I couldn’t find this info on the other 2 (or maybe I just missed it). Anyone know?
Who can help me with my questions?
1) Why does the Onkyo weigh more?
2) Has Onkyo worked out their clicking issue?
3) Can the Onkyo also control the 2 subs by remote? (can you tell which way I’m leaning?)