It is not creative. It is not fun to watch. It just makes me sick to my stomach and distracts from the movie.
Hand-held cameras can be very effective - it definitely creates a different mood. With the BU, it wasn't just the hand-held cameras, it was the off-kilter framing and the style of editing. And the shaking. (Hand-held doesn't have to mean "shaky", necessarily.) Mood accomplished...but, unfortunately, nausea accomplished, too.
It's one things to make things feel "off-balance" or "unstable" for effect for certain scenes...but directors should really think about what it means to make an entire movie start-to-finish disorienting. That's moving from creating a mood to punishing the audience.
The thing I hate about Shaky-camera-syndrome is how it allows directors/editors to be absolutely lazy about constructing action scenes. Instead of creating an interesting action/chase/fight scene, they just mish-mash a bunch of shaky, fast-moving images together and add sound effects. Never mind that you can't actually tell what the hell is going on...