Have a vintage tuner and receiver (2 x 40 watts/channel at 8ohms). Thinking about creating a poor mans whole home setup with a squeezebox input and some ceiling speakers.
The receiver has an A, B, or A+B output.
I would like to run inside speakers on A and outside speakers on B with one speaker per room. Total of 3 speakers inside and 3 speakers outside.
- What is the easiest (and cheapest) way to get left and right (stereo) audio on each speaker? Haven't bought the ceiling speakers yet so I could buy the stereo input variety. Will a series/parallel setup matching the 8ohms of the receiver work? If so, do I need a 4th speaker for each assuming all speakers will be 8ohms?
- How should I wire the three speakers on A and the three speakers on B to not fry my low wattage amp? Do not need high volume, just background music for a party.
- Is there any chance of running A+B with only 40wpc?