Who makes the best In-Wall Speakers???



Audioholic Intern
I've read the reviews, the blogs and gone to the stores but still haven't been able to decide who make the best in-wall speakers for HT and music?

Any advice?


Senior Audioholic
flyfish23 said:
I've read the reviews, the blogs and gone to the stores but still haven't been able to decide who make the best in-wall speakers for HT and music?

Any advice?
Did you have a price range or better yet, a price ceiling? What's the most $ you are looking to spend per speaker or for the speaker system (not including receiver/seperates). There are a lot of different in wall speakers ranging in cost from $50 per pair to $25K per pair and higher. There's "best", and then there's "best for you and your listening habits, room, and budget".

More Questions:

What type of room will you be listening in (dedicated theater system, family room, basment, etc.)?

Is the room already built or is this pre-construction? What type & size of display (projector, plasma, tube, etc.)?

What size room? L,W,H

Where are the speakers going to be installed in relation to the display? Below, sides and center, above?

What type of surrounds do you need to use? In ceiling, In-wall?

Types of movies and music you usually listen to?

The more information you can provide us, the better we can help suggest the best speakers for you.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
flyfish23 said:
I've read the reviews, the blogs and gone to the stores but still haven't been able to decide who make the best in-wall speakers for HT and music?

Any advice?
This was covered in this thread a few weeks ago. That is a good place to start. There are some links to good speaker companies there. As far as who makes the best, it's like any other speaker, it's primarily a matter of what you think sounds best.:)



Audioholic Intern
Sorry for not being more specific. I am looking for a 7.1 system with the LCR speakers built into a front cabinet with a 72" DLP. The sides and rears will be in ceiling. My primary duty will be HT but a fair bit of music. I will have a whole house system run by the new Crestron Adagio system. The room will be my living room 25 x 18.

The 7.1 system will be run either by an Outlaw Audio set up or I am undecided about the Denon 4308 or Yammy 2700. Still trying to decide.

My budget for the 7.1 speakers is $5,000. Any sugesstions?


Full Audioholic
The best I have heard so far in that price range was the new Energy RC series. It was using LCR in wall, and surrounds in-ceiling, along with their in-wall sub. It was incredible. Others I have listened to include Def. Tech, Earthquake, Atlantic Technology (second favorite) and Sonance. If you were willing to take a step up in price, my first choice would then have to be RBH
T1 in-wall. OMG. Killer.


Senior Audioholic
flyfish23 said:
Sorry for not being more specific. I am looking for a 7.1 system with the LCR speakers built into a front cabinet with a 72" DLP. The sides and rears will be in ceiling. My primary duty will be HT but a fair bit of music. I will have a whole house system run by the new Crestron Adagio system. The room will be my living room 25 x 18.

The 7.1 system will be run either by an Outlaw Audio set up or I am undecided about the Denon 4308 or Yammy 2700. Still trying to decide.

My budget for the 7.1 speakers is $5,000. Any sugesstions?
I have, what I feel, is a great suggestion for you.

Last week I auditioned several products from M&K because I was looking for a high quality/high value brand for our custom built cabinets and entertainment systems. I just don't get a warm and fuzzy feeling out of the brands that I currently carry (Tannoy, BG, Jamo, Canton, Triad, PSB, TruAudio, Atlantic Technology, and others) for this purpose. Sure, a few of them make products that would work, but the value to performance ratio isn't where I want it to be.

Enter: M&K (Miller and Kreisel)

M&K has always interested me. No one near me carries them, they are priced well for the quality you get, and they have a great reputation for both consumer and pro products. I wanted something that I could install into custom built columns and fixtures that we make out of wood, stone, etc.

The M&K brand is great for this purpose and I plan on recommending them as a "better to best" system for most of our dedicated theater projects that have an equipment budget around what you have listed. I am working on my show room and have decided that an M&K SW-150 THX Ultra system is going to be a featured product. That's how sold I am on them.

Here's a system, in your budget, that will blow you away:

M&K SW-150 (L/C/R) http://mksound.com/inwall.php
MSRP: $1000 ea.

MSRP: $349 ea.

M&K VX-850 (Sub)
MSRP: $999

I know, I know, the MSRP of this system is over $5K. Around $5400. I think it is entirely reasonable for you to get this system for $5K ($4,600 - $4800 would be good/fair if you bought from a reputable dealer)

Electronics wise, I would recommend going with separates instead of a receiver. I'm a Denon dealer and think they make a fine product, but separates will give you better sound quality out of a speaker package like the one I'm recommending. Something like this would be killer when paired with those speakers:

NAD T163 (Pre-amp/Pro)
MSRP: $1499


NAD T973 (7 Channel Amp)
MSRP: $1999

These two pieces would be excellent. I know the cost of this set up is a more $ but the long term value of this system is excellent. The Denon piece you listed is around $2K, if I remember right. This NAD equipment should be able to be gotten at around $3K. If you can save $400 on the speakers, that's only a $600 difference. In truth, if the budget were tight, I would wire for 7.1, but only buy speakers for 5.1, put the extra $700 towards the electronics, and upgrade to 7 channels later.

Also, the M&K L/C/R in-walls that I listed come with material to make a back box. Back boxing in-walls and in ceilings is very important to getting the best possible sound.

I suggest going out and listening to a good M&K demo, but before you do, be sure to read about them on their website: www.MKSound.com . I think you'll like what you find.
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
I can 2nd M&K quality...

...I am very happy with my M&K setup, for me, it's the right speakers. I haven't personally listened to their inwall speakers, so I can't comment on them. If they sound anything as good as the rest of their speakers, then I think you would be happy. They list dealers on their website, see if there is one near you so you can listen to them before you buy anything. Remember, they're only good if YOU like the way they sound.

Also, look in their outlet, MKSoundstore.com, for deals on speakers, inwalls, and subs. There are some very good prices to be had on refurbished or cosmetic items. If you don't see what you need, email them to see if they have something not listed on the website.

Also, check out some of the speakers listed in that other thread, there are some good brands listed there too.



Full Audioholic
rbh...can be found used from owners that are upgrading to the sick t2 systems. In fact, rbh sell the exact system designed for inwall applications. Quite pricey though. I have the c770 center, which after speaking with a rbh tech, can be used either in a cabinet/built-in or conventional settop placement. Nothing but stellar reports from their products/service. BTW...center is clear, crisp, and wide.

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