I had mine done in Montreal about six years ago, at the time I believe that Canada was one step ahead of the U.S. in regards to the generations of lasers, I can not confirm this now. I did a decent amount of research on the place that did mine and the doctors that worked their. My prescription, for contacts, at the time was a -4.25 and a -4.50. I think that I was 20/600, nearsighted, and no wmy corrected is 20/15 in my left and 20/20 in my right. I have never experienced dryness in my eyes since the surgery, actually my eyes water more easily now if I am skiing, i.e. wind is blowing in my face. I wear sunglasses, good ones, all the time now to protect my eyes and I am not sure why but it just makes me feel better protected. The only side effect of my surgery is that I sometimes see Halo's at night time when looking at very bright lights, e.g. oncoming headlamps from cars. People say that you will need reading glasses sooner because of the surgery but I am not sure if that is myth or fact. The actual surgery is a little frightening, I declined the valium and did it without any drugs. I did take two buddies along for moral support, and call it strange but just knowing that they were watching the surgery from the viewing area helped me to remain calm. I would do it again, even considering the risks, and I have heard some horror stories. My optometrist told me after my surgery that he had seen some real bad jobs but mine looked great.