Since room and cost aren't issues I'd totally go 9C. I have 4 2B's and an 8C and I LOVE them, especially in my new place. I listen to about a CD a day now, and I can't get enough of the good quality sound I am currently enjoying. The 9C is the better speaker, and technically it is the correct match since it uses the 6.5" driver. Don't worry about the 9C being able to play lower than the 2Bs, you'll most likely wind up using a cut off point of around 80hz on your receiver. I'd love to be able to try 60 or 70hz but my Marantz insists on 80hz being the lowest, and it sounds awesome. The 9C is also an 8 ohm load as opposed to the 8C with its 6 ohm load. I always found that odd, all of the other speakers are 6 ohm, but the biggest center is 8ohm, oh well. Anyways I've never found the 8C boxy or dissapointing, in fact I find it revealing and engaging. It doesn't miss a beat when it comes to multi-channel audio or movie soundtracks. That said I'd love to have the 9C. I've heard it, it is better. On a final note my receiver doesn't have an EQ (go figure with an MSRP that high) and I don't use an external one either. All that I've done is correctly set up my speakers and receiver through trial and error, calibration DVDs and an SPL meter and everything sounds fantastic. To me that is the mark of quality, everything sounding like it should with no external devices "tweaking" the sound. My section of the house has become the unofficial party area now. I thought I'd like that, but since I'm the only one working days my new found "popularity" can suck. The Image line from PSB is a hell of a deal IMO, and you can't go wrong purchasing their products.