I have an Infinity PS-8 subwoofer that I'm going to use for music in my bedroom. (Actually a pair of them, but I only have a placement issue with one.) The driver is in front and the ports are in back. Space is limited so I'm going to have to put a few inches away from the wall. I know you're advised not to put ports too close to a wall, and presumably that applies to drivers to a certain extent as well.
It'll probably end up around 3 inches from the wall.
I'm leaning towards putting the driver facing the wall because that reduces the chance that I'll accidentally kick it and damage it, although it looks better if the driver and grill are in front instead of the plate amp. And since most of its spectrum comes out of the driver (especially when playing music as opposed to movies), I'm thinking the quality might be better if the ports are facing the wall.
Any thoughts?