Without the same specs displayed for each, that's tough call. The Pio is quite shy on details while the Denon is more forthcoming. I've always respected a company that goes into depth when quoting specs as opposed to the only one that the ill-informed think about.
What I see here is that the Denon will put out 105 watts into two channels. The Pio claims 125. Sadly, both quote at 1khz which is useless for "real world" operation, but it DOES provide an impressive number to dazzle the masses.
More importantly, the Denon will put out 70 watts all day long into each of it's five channels. If you think the Pio will put out 125 watts under those same conditions, I've got a bridge to sell you. That's something that's conveniently left out. Also, please note that the PIO doesn't specify at what impedance and distortion level. The Denon does.
But, you can ret assured that the audible difference between the two will be non-existent.