
Ok, so I'm looking to build at least a 5.1 HT on a budget. This is what I have right now:
Marantz 1530 receiver
2 Technics SB-2766 200 watt Tower speakers: older model, might need to be replaced by bookshelves
2 Pioneer S-H453F-K Tower Speakers: http://www.pioneerelectronics.ca/pna/product/detail/0,,32171715_32252815_35756648,00.html

The Marantz seems to be a decent receiver but it only puts out 30 watts RMS and is stereo, where as I want real surround and more power. So i'm only really looking to spend about $300 (without a center speaker) for now, and I'm not going to buy a receiver right away unless I go for a HTiB system.
Where I work these are available to me at decent deals:
http://www.pioneerelectronics.ca/pna/product/detail/0,,32171715_32252799_133993908,00.html -Pioneer HTiB for about $260
http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/pna/product/detail/0,,2076_2047433_209695987,00.html -Pioneer HTiB for about $180
http://www.xscargo.com/product.php?dept=Electronics&cat=Home Audio&index=18&item=TZSW05 Pioneer Subwoofer I can get for about $120
http://www.pioneerelectronics.ca/pna/product/detail/0,,32171715_32252815_35753173,00.html -Pioneer Bookshelves I can get for about $35

OR I could hold off and get a Denon or Onkyo HTiB.
So I'm thinking there's 2 ways to go. Buy the sub and set that up with my current setup for now, buy an amp and center(s) later, or just buy a HTiB and use some of my current speakers.
I donno, so many choices. I want a quality system, a good quality receiver that I can build on would be good, but I'm also not obsessed with the quality either.Help me out here, I need advice. THANKS Phil


Come on now, someone has to have a bit of advice for me here. Are these HTiB any good at all? Are my speakers or amp any good right now? Is the subwoofer worth buying?
Plllllease help me out in any way you can. There's only a few of the HTiB and subwoofers left, so I have to decide soon. I picked up the pioneer bookshelves today for $35.:)


As for the sub, check parts express for the 12 they have, very close to same price and prob a much better sub.


Audioholic Spartan
Do they sell just the Pioneer receivers where you work?

IMO you would be better off maximizing you money on a nice receiver for now and just use your towers and new bookshelfs untill you have the money for a center and then get a subwoofer.

I'll see if I can come up with something.

Mr. Lamb Fries

Mr. Lamb Fries

Full Audioholic
Were I you, I would buy things one at a time. Get a reveiver now...center channel when you can...subwoofer next...dvd player or tv next...etc...

I would wait till right after x-mas and check sales and look on ebay. if nothing else, LOTS of returns that you can get at open Box prices. check your local best buys and Circuit Cities and see what the have in Open Box. I would make sure the components are replaceable for down the road!!!

I am sure someone else will have there own idea on how to go about this. Good luck


Senior Audioholic
It seems like you have under $300 to start. With that, I would get a new receiver. I have heard great things about the panasonic XR-55. It can be had for less than $230. Use your speakers for now, and save up for new ones.

If you must get it all now, the onkyo or Denon HTIB's seem to be the lesser of the evils.



Audioholic Ninja
Your current speakers are probably better than anything you will get with a $300 HTIB system. You can find entry level receivers like the Yamaha HTR-5840 and Onkyo 502 for less than $200 and refurbished models for less.


Audioholic Ninja
Get a receiver first.

Mr. Lamb Fries said:
Were I you, I would buy things one at a time. Get a reveiver now...center channel when you can...subwoofer next...dvd player or tv next...etc...
I agree on the plan to get one item at a time, but I will have to differ in the order of purchase, here is what I believe IMHO should be the order in this case,

Receiver > Mains > Center (and Side Surrounds) > Side Surrounds (if not purchased with Center) > Subwoofer > DVD Player upgrade > Rear Surrounds > Receiver Upgrade > Mains Upgrade + Dedicated Amp... you get the idea :D

The reason, to ensure all speakers are timber matched. Of course it goes without saying that all speaker with the exception of the subwoofer should be from the same manufacturer and of the same series if required.


Audioholic Spartan
I agree with agarwarlo's order. That seems the most logical to me, but if at all possible, I would try to get the mains+center at the same time to ensure you can get the same model or series for proper timbre matching. If you wait too long to buy the center, there is always a possibility (depending on what brand you buy) that the matching center will no longer be available when you are ready to purchase it.


Senior Audioholic
MDS said:
I agree with agarwarlo's order. That seems the most logical to me, but if at all possible, I would try to get the mains+center at the same time to ensure you can get the same model or series for proper timbre matching. If you wait too long to buy the center, there is always a possibility (depending on what brand you buy) that the matching center will no longer be available when you are ready to purchase it.
I second this. I would not get the mains separate from the center. I would also not worry about side surrounds, especially when you were asking only about 5.1. In my opinion, due to lack of material, 7.1 is unneccessary. I would get a 7.1 receiver, for future zone 2 or side surround use.



Exxxcellent. Thanks for all the help thus far. I think I'm going to look into this subwoofer a little more and maybe buy it, since I get about 60% if I buy it now, and then I'm saving for a nice 7.1 amp. I'll buy new mains and a center after that, then maybe some side surrounds. I don't NEED anything right away but I'd like some more bass, that's why I'm thinking subwoofer now aswell.
Is anything that I have any good? lol. Are pioneer speakers any good these days? Should I try to jsut get a center to match my bookshelves? lol, I need a wee bit more advice. :) thanks again guys
Mr. Lamb Fries

Mr. Lamb Fries

Full Audioholic
agarwalro said:
I agree on the plan to get one item at a time, but I will have to differ in the order of purchase, here is what I believe IMHO should be the order in this case,

Receiver > Mains > Center (and Side Surrounds) > Side Surrounds (if not purchased with Center) > Subwoofer > DVD Player upgrade > Rear Surrounds > Receiver Upgrade > Mains Upgrade + Dedicated Amp... you get the idea :D

The reason, to ensure all speakers are timber matched. Of course it goes without saying that all speaker with the exception of the subwoofer should be from the same manufacturer and of the same series if required.

This is a better order of purchase!


Do they sell just the Pioneer receivers where you work?

IMO you would be better off maximizing you money on a nice receiver for now and just use your towers and new bookshelfs untill you have the money for a center and then get a subwoofer.

I'll see if I can come up with something.

I work at a place called XScargo. (xscargo.com) It's basically llike a surplus store, lot's of refurbished products and such, most of the stereo equipment is refurbished. They only really seel cheaper products like Magnavox, G/E, RCA, Panasonic and then they do have Pioneer sometimes. And their all HTiB, no receivers by themselves, and very limited on speakers, only 2 different pairs in right now and that subwoofer that I'm itnerested in.


Just an update, I found out the subwoofer is a Pioneer (Elite?) TZSW05. Is it worth $120 canadian? I think it's a pretty good deal, and that would give me 4 towers (2 are pioneer) and 2 Pioneer bookshelves + the subwoofer. Then all I'd really need is a center and I'd be set for even 7.1 for a little while.
More advice is always good :)

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis