Well I'm pressing on with my DIY Sub. I'm thinking a 12" Dayton Quatro, a vented box, some stuffing, matte black rustoleum, etc, etc. From here on in I shall refer to this DIY sub as "Project Slopzilla". I'm looking at a 12" Dayton Quatro for the driver and I'm going to run this sub off my Yamaha RX-V2500 and my mismash of ye-olde A/D/S Towers in the front and various other speakers for surround. I'm looking for quality over amplitude (clean not thumpy) when driving the sub in DSP stereo and movie modes, and I would love to get some nice clean bottom end when playing music (and sometimes movies) in DSP and movie modes.
Here's my question. What plate amp do you like for $120.00 or less? I've looked at the Daytons and a couple others. What do you think? On behalf of Project Slopzilla, thanks!